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Krakow 22-27 X 2024

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Krakow 22-27 X 2024

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European Film and Performing Arts Schools’ Rectors’ Conference

Added: November 17, 2019

Date and time: 24/11/2019, MOS (sala mala/the small hall)

The organizers of the 26th Etiuda&Anima International Film Festival would like to invite people of interest to a Conference led by European film and performing arts schools’s rectors, titled “The Promotion and Distribution of Student Etudes and Films with Diplomas Outside of the Film School System and Environment.” It will take place on the 24th November (Sunday) at 11:00 AM in MOS (sala mała/the small hall) on 12 Rajska Street. The conference is one of the Etiuda&Anima accompanying events.

The speakers, who will take the floor during the conference, represent a range European centres. Our guests include:

Martin Hagemann - GERMANY
[Professor of Film and Television Production at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, where he is currently Vice President for International Affairs]

László Upor  - HUNGARY
[Vice Rector at University of Theatre and Film Arts, Budapest, since March 2019 he has served as Acting Rector]

Barbara Harumová Hessová - SLOVAKIA
[teaches at the Department of Production and Distribution and is Vice-Dean for International Relations at the Film and Television Faculty of The Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava]

Marcin Malatyński – POLAND
[Rector’s plenipotentiary for international cooperation -  The Leon Schiller National Higher School of Film, Television and Theatre in Łódź]

[Rector’s plenipotentiary for the promotion of Leon Schiller National Higher School of Film, Television and Theatre in Łódź]

The speeches made by the representatives of the invited film and performing art schools with fluctuate between the following topics:

-producers’ models used in chosen schools: the sources of finance covering the realization of etudes and certified films and the issue of cooperation.

- potential forms of distribution of certified film: what could it look like?

- The issue of the organized cells, responsible for the promotion of student work, for example at film festivals, other events and in the media.

- The role of students as the authors of films in the promotion process: to what degree can students come out with their independent initiatives in this area?

- The wide “marketization” of student work and the process of it turning into an object of cinema and media distribution: a threat to the freedom of art in the open and creative film education field or a new opportunity?

-models of the distribution of etudes and certified films: which were the most adequate for the conditions in different countries and in the international market?

- European Union programmes providing support for the development of the film culture: what role should such programmes play in this field?

- Could one of the solution to the indicated problems be the organization of student etudes, certified films and film and performing art schools’ marketplaces in the Middle-East?


The speeches at the conference will be presented in English with simultaneous translation into Polish available.

We are directing this invitation to academic lecturers as well as students of coursed related to the organization of film and television production and those studying Film Making, Cinematography, Film Studies, etc.

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