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International Film Festival

Krakow 22-27 X 2024

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International Film Festival

Krakow 22-27 X 2024

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A nature-human-culture: Thematic Show

Added: November 13, 2023



24th November (Friday) - 1 PM
Małopolska Garden of Arts - Large Screening Room

The etudes and animations presented at the festival show us not only the sensitivity and perspectives of their creators, but also the plethora of possible narrations about the natural environment. Once more out of all of these stories we selected those that discuss the condition of the ecosystem and the place of man in the world.

In some, man is already extinct, and the planet is doing well without them. Other present personal outlook on the events and places that go on a daily basis beyond our own perspective. Yet other ones look for symbols and metaphors to communicate even more explicitly what is going on at the crossroads of culture and nature, the space in which we function, but which we never fully learn.

Presenting the thematic selection, we invite you to reflect on what is close to us and what is indifferent, what we protect, what we fear, what we understand or what we do not realize. Art can bewilder us – through art we want again and again to marvel at the environment that surrounds us.

Green Etiuda&Anima

The way man and the environment influence each other reaches beyond the frames of just one perspective. The reality of the ongoing climate catastrophe requires carefulness and empathy in watching both our surroundings and ourselves. We believe that by working with culture we not only have an opportunity, but also duty to use the potential of art to sensitize its recipients to the environment we all live in.

Our festival program includes events during which we invite our audience to empathize and to reflect on human existence in nature.


  • Krótko mówiąc / A Long Story Short
    Reżyseria: Andrei Olănescu, Produkcja: Universitatea Națională de Artă Teatrală și Cinematografică, Kraj: Rumunia, Rok: 2018, Czas emisji: 9'41''

  • Piękna letnia noc / Une belle nuit d'été / A Beautiful Summer Night
    Reżyseria: Sam Castelli, Aleksandar Savic, Yannis Brun, Barbara Derail, Arthur Dupuy, Enzo Leboucher, Produkcja: École des Nouvelles Images, Kraj: Francja, Rok: 2022, Czas emisji: 7'18''

  • Czekając / The Waiting
    Reżyseria: Volker Schlecht, Produkcja: Alexander Lahl, Max Mönch, Kraj: Niemcy, Rok: 2023, Czas emisji: 15'35''

  • Wszystko w porządku, ziemniaki w żołądku / Everything's Fine, Potatoes in Line
    Reżyseria: Piotr Jasiński, Produkcja: FAMU, Kraj: Polska, Czechy, Rok: 2022, Czas emisji: 14'00''

  • Koniec podróży / The End of Voyage
    Reżyseria: CHOI Minho, Produkcja: FRAME MAKER Company, Kraj: Korea Południowa, Rok: 2023, Czas emisji: 9'52''

  • Wymarła / Extint / Extinct
    Reżyseria: Raúl Díez Rodríguez, Produkcja: Moncorvo Film S.L, Kraj: Hiszpania, Rok: 2023, Czas emisji: 9'00''

  • Historia / Story
    Reżyseria: Jolanta Bańkowska, Produkcja: Studio Munka, Kraj: Polska, Rok: 2019, Czas emisji: 5'00''

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