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Krakow 22-27 X 2024

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Online animation workshops for children

Added: November 14, 2020

Toss the pandemic into a film

21st November

Target group: children between 7-13

10 a.m.
I group: children between 7-9, maximum 12 people

2 p.m.
II group: children between 10-13, maximum 12 people

Applications: biuro@etiudaandanima.pl
Warning! The number of places for each group is limited

Note: the workshop will be held on the TupiTube platform (details below)

Classes will be conducted on the TupiTube program and here are some important things! It's good for the participants to download the TupiTube program (it's free) before the class and take a few photos or download ready-made photos (made by us). Instructions for preparing for the workshop are below.



  • laptop or graphics tablet
  • good internet connection
  • a working webcam in a laptop / tablet
  • functional mouse / touchpad
  • TupiTube program installed on a computer / tablet (download link below)
  • a sheet of paper and a pencil / marker
  • a photo package containing a photo of a leaf, a flying bird, a cloud on a transparent background (.png) - you can make yourself or download a file.


Photos covered by copyright, made available only for the implementation of the workshop "Put a pandemic into the film" as part of the Etiuda & Anima festival.

During online classes the participants will learn the arcana of cartoon animation (2D), and with the use of a special application they will create a short film in this technique. In safe homes, every child will familiarize themselves in an easy and practical way with the basics of cartoon animation and will create their own short animation.

The young participants will have a chance to tell about their experiences connected with the pandemic. We wish to give them an art therapeutic tool to find out how children react to the virus, how they feel when kept indoors, what they think about home schooling, about their fears triggered by the hazards threatening their parents and grandparents, and about other things affecting them and their families in this time.

The classes will start with a short conversation and introduction into cartoon animation and computer techniques. Depending on the participants` level and skills, they will make simple animations, for example of a falling leaf, a rain drop, a flying bird or a cloud, or more sophisticated ones with a few elements and form transformations (for example changing a leaf into a more magical character).

The workshops will be run by Justyna Jakóbowska.

Project partner: the PZU Foundation

The co-organizers of the workshops are:
- MOMAKIN (description below)
- Stowarzyszenie Producentów Polskiej Animacji

Justyna Jakóbowska - Art animator, visual artist, VJ, graduate of the Faculty of Visual Education at the Academy of Art in Lodz (graduation in 2010). She has got pedagogical qualifications.

Her adventure with workshops for children started during a scholarship Erasmus exchange in Cluj-Napoca in Romania where she was working with Romani children from a wild suburban settlement. Since that time she has been broadening her experience in running and creating original art workshops for children. She has collaborated with, among others, DADA, Kreska, Magenta, Zaczarowany Ołówek.

She extended her knowledge of stop motion animation techniques during a course at the Se-ma-for Film Studio, later to teach art and film classes for children and adults at the Se-ma-for Museum of Animation.

She has been collaborating with the MOMAKIN company where she taught art and film classes for children and adults.

She has worked as a computer graphics instructor with adults with intellectual disability in a Creative Studio in “Dom na Osiedlu” and also as an assistant – minder in “Dom na Osiedlu”, where the charges reside.

MOMAKIN combines the worlds of artists and specialists active in the field of animation with the professional production market. The company finds artists, advises, successfully promotes. Apart from their agent-based activities and production support, it also specializes in the distribution of films and animated series from all over the world. Their catalogue for cinemas, television and VOD services contains the most important titles of the recent years, among others “Hug Me” / “Przytul mnie”, “Florka`s Diary” / “Pamiętnik Florki”, “Pompik Bizon” / “Żubr Pompik” and “Polish Fairy Tales” / “Bajki i baśnie polskie”. Momakin also professionalizes the animation market by organizing business events and courses, as well as popularizes animation among the youngest by organizing animation workshops.

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