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International Film Festival

Krakow 22-27 X 2024

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International Film Festival

Krakow 22-27 X 2024

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Added: November 08, 2018

Juri Stanossek
Juri Stanossek started his career as a Visual Effects Artist in 1994. Since then he's supervised more than 40 projects for TV and cinema.

He acted as a Visual Effects Supervisor at Elektrofilm from 2004 to 2008 and then moved forward to Pixomondo Stuttgart, where he supervised international productions like "Ghostwriter" (2010), "Hugo Cabret" (2011) , "Game of Thrones" (2012) and "Rush" (2013).

He started at his current employer, Mackevision, in 2013 as VXF Supervisor. Thanks to his in-depth expertise he has overseen the visual effects in productions like "The Cut" (2015) and "Independence Day: Resurgence" (2016).

Most recently Juri was a VFX supervisor for the movie "Jim Button" (2018) and the new Netflix series "Lost in Space" (2018).

His outstanding work for "Game of Thrones" won him an Emmy VES Award in 2013. Last year Juri and his team were nominated for an Emmy VES Award for their work on Lost in Space and he received the title of Professor by the prestigious Film Academy of Ludwigsburg where he's been lecturing courses on animation since 2010.



Kuba Matyka
Futourist. Immersive Experience Director and Co-Founder @ MELT - multidisciplinary little studio, creating experiences for big brands’ audiences. These are often multi-sensory, combining animation, sound, light and interaction in every scale and form. Pop-culture binger. Constantly optimising the world around him.



Deep Blue Production 
Grzegorz Kukuś
Head of CG / CEO Deep Blue Production
VFX executive and talented 3D artist with vast experience in 3D imaginary getting back to late 90's. He specializes CG Supervision, 3D pipeline design, rendering and character animation. For past 10 years connected with Platige Image. Worked as CG Supervisor on many iconic productions such as "The Witcher" cinematics series or worldwide acknowledged short animations "Ark" and "The Kinematograph". He sucesfully delivered dozens of game cinematics and tv commercials for clients like: Ubisoft, Square Enix or SEGA. He was a part of the team responsible for CG animated feature "Final Fantasy: Kingsglaive". His professional road went from being character modeler, through character animation, technical direction, lighting, cg supervising to the position of Head of CG and finally Head of Cinematics Department at one of the biggest animation studios in Europe. He's currently involved in several Deep Blue projects as Producer and CG Supervisor.

Marcin Panasiuk
Art. Director at Deep Blue Production. Marcin is an artist based in Warsaw, Poland. After graduating with a degree in architecture, he worked as a freelance concept artist. Since 2013 he has been involved with Platige Image, where he serves as an illustrator, concept artist and art director. He gained extensive professional experience in the course of a number of projects he has been involved with. His work is greatly influenced by jazz music, video games and architecture.
Instytut Adama Mickiewicza
Grzegorz Skorupski
Grzegorz Skorupski, born 1979. Graduate of the Warsaw University at the faculty of public communication and journalism and WWSH at Polish Academy of Science at the faculty of media and public communication. Between 1998 – 2002 studied at Agricultural University in Warsaw at the faculty of animal husbandry. Now working on Ph.D. thesis on film language as a tool in cultural international communication.

Between 2009 – 2010 - Head of Communication and Marketing at Polish Cultural Institute in London, i.e. in charge of communication and marketing of KINOTEKA film festival.

Between 2010 – 2012 manager of PR and Marketing at Human-Ark - Warsaw based film studio and author and coordinator of the 2012 Oscar campaign of THE LOST TOWN OF SWITEZ by KamilPolak.

Since 2012 at Adam Mickiewicz Institute where he is a member of Institute’s Experts Team in charge of film.

As a film expert at AMI he is responsible for planning and coordinating the Institute film program as well as planning the long term strategies for film projects. Networking and long term cooperation with the foreign partners and coordination the film co-production (i.e. POSSEST and WROBLEWSKI ACORDING TO WAJDA by Andrzej Wajda and AUTOR SOLARIS and „KOBRO/ STRZEMIŃSKI. FANTASTIC TALE” by BorysLankosz).

Grzegorz Wacławek is a producer and director of animated films, and a creator of the SMODO technology.

He graduated from Animation at the department of Film Special Effects at the Polish National Film School in Łódź (PWSFTviT), and Graphic Design at The Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. He debuted with his film “Beyond the old age”, and worked next to two Oscar-award producers, Hugh Welchman and Gareth Unwin. Hugh Welchman had a huge impact on his creative producer path, which inspired him to establish Studio Animoon in 2013. Animoon's portfolio consists of animated series, short and feature films. Grzegorz is a co-founder and a member of the Polish Animation Producers Association (SPPA), where he took the chairman role for two cadences.

Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego

Maciej Dydo
Deputy Director of the Department of Intellectual Property and Media in the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Lawyer specializing in IP, lecturer at the Warsaw Film School (copyright law for Directing students, modern movie and multimedia markets). Currently responsible for implementing governmental support policies for cultural and creative industries, supervising cultural institutions in the domain of film, as well as carrying out programmes of support for digitisation of cultural heritage and online accessibility of digital resources.



MAD Entertainment

Marino Guarnieri


After working as a graphic designer, experimenting with all forms of expression and communication for the past 20 years, he has finally discovered his true passion: animation. He creates, designs and participates in the realization of commercials and video clips, TV theme songs and educational products, documentaries, specials and feature films. He supervised the animation for the documentary Gli Occhi più Azzurri, in the educational series Docucartoon, and the episode Giga & Stick for INAF, before embarking on the collaboration with MAD Entertainment. His works include: the music video for Foja’s Donna Maria, the promo for the movie A Skeleton Story and the theme song for the Festival Crossmediale Cartoons on the Bay. Assistant director, 2D supervisor and animation editor for the feature film L’Arte della Felicità. Winner of the 2014 European Film Awards for Best European Animated Film. He teaches Digital Animation at the Italian school of Comix, for which he directed the promotional commercial Chi Sogna Disegna and the short film Mezzanotte di Segni. He is also member of the board of ASIFA Italia (Associazione Internazionale Film di Animazione). Gatta Cenerentola is his first feature film as director.

Pigeon Studio
Mateusz Kowalczyk
Co-founder and managing director at Pigeon animation studio in Kraków. His responsibilities include conducting the production process, as well as seeking out and implementing new projects. He also assumes the role of exectutive producer for the Studio’s most important undertakings.

Studio Produkcyjne Orka
Michał Konwicki
Graphic artist, animated film director, effects supervisor. He has created illustrations, animations, commercials, film effects, architectural visualizations and animated films. For 6 years he has been professionaly associated with Orka Production Studio, where he supervises commercials, film effects and animation.




Stowarzyszenie Producentów Polskiej Animacji
Robert Jaszczurowski
A director, producer, scriptwriter and co-founder of GS Animation. With his early projects: „Harry and Toto” and „Agronauta”, he gained experience in directing animation, creating layouts, backgrounds, characters' design. From 2009 acts as a creative producer with the most important project, TV series „Mami Fatale” (a delegate producer). A president of a Polish Animation Producers Association (SPPA) and a participant of the most important coproduction markets, festivals and animation related events in Europe (Cartoon Forum, Cartoon Movie, MiPJunior, Cinekid, Annecy). Currently working on "Basia" TV series, "Grand Banda" TV series and "Mice on Strike" feature.

Platige Image

Dominik Wawrzyniak
Lead of the layout/previz team at the Animation department. Also: Director and Director of Animation. Associated with Platige Image since the beginning of his career, first as a freelancer supporting the studio in the production of short films and special projects. He became a core team member in 2011, joining as a Layout Artist. Graduate in Animation and Special Effects at the National Film School in Łódź. Scholarship holder at the Animation Institute within the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Germany.

Urszula Łuczak
Urszula Łuczak is a producer at Platige Image in Poland for over 8 years now. She started working at VFX Department where she was involved in movies such as "Essential Killing", "Melancholy" and "Uwiklanie". She was a production manager creating stereoscopic scenography for spectacles such as "Polita" for Buffo Theatre and "Pilots" for Roma Theatre. She also produced animation movies for Qatar market: “Hero and the message” and “Heroes and the mission”. Recently first full – feature animation movie co-produced by Platige Image called “Another Day of Life” is being released to the festival circulation where she was involved as production manager.

Studio Miniatur Filmowych
Włodzimierz Matuszewski

Pracuje od 1976 roku w Studiu Miniatur Filmowych jako redaktor i scenarzysta.

Pierwszy scenariusz „W samolocie” (na podstawie wiersza Juliana Tuwima)  został zrealizowany w 1976 roku w Studiu Miniatur Filmowych. Od tego czasu wykonał ok. 30 scenariuszy filmów animowanych dla dorosłych i dla dzieci. W tym m.in.:

PAX VINCIT (1981) - I nagroda w kat. filmów animowanych na Festiwalu Filmów O Sztuce Zakopane ‘ 82 , wyróżnienie w Oberhausen’ 82.

SEZON OGÓRKOWY seria Dixie, (1983) - „Brązowe Koziołki” dla najlepszego filmu animowanego na FF dla Dzieci i Młodzieży w Poznaniu(1984)

ROZWIĄZANIE(1987)- nagr. dla najlepszego filmu na Festiwalu Filmów Jazzowych - Wrocław’87

ZŁOTA RYBKA (1991) - Grand Prix na FF dla Dzieci i Mł., Poznań’92

W latach 1980-81 przewodniczący Komisji Zakładowej NSZZ Solidarność przy SMF, członek Komisji Krajowej Pracowników Filmu NSZZ Solidarność.

W latach 1989-91 działa jako prywatny producent realizując m.in.godzinny animowany film telewizyjny dla hiszpańskiej firmy IRUSOIN z San Sebastian pt. LOYOLA. Realizuje samodzielnie filmy animowane reklamowe, które w 1990 roku zostały zakwalifikowane na Festiwal w Espinho, gdzie uzyskały wyróżnienie

W 1991 r. w wyniku konkursu obejmuje funkcję dyrektora Studia Miniatur Filmowych, Instytucji Filmowej w Warszawie, w bardzo trudnym momencie transformacji, gdy SMF musi przejść na własny rozrachunek bez państwowych dotacji.

Produkuje seriale rysunkowe i filmy pojedyncze w koprodukcji i na zlecenie kontrahentów krajowych i zagranicznych, w tym seria „Dwa Koty i Pies” - Grand Prix w Poznaniu’92 r., ABC...ITD dla TVP S.A (1990-93)., bierze udział w międzynarodowej produkcji „Billy the Cat”, na zlecenie LesFilms de Triangle (Francja 1995-96), „Troubles” dla Ink Tank/WTA/Cartoon Network,(1997-98) a także wiele innych produkcji w tym „AIDA DEGLI ALBERI” dla LANTERNA MAGICA (Turyn- 2001).

W roku 2001 ukończył m.in. pełnometrażowy film aktorsko-animowany dla dzieci pt. TRYUMF PANA KLEKSA (reż.Krzysztof Gradowski) – koprodukcja. z HBO ,  oraz 40-minutowy film WYSPA R.O. w reż. Jana Lenicy (koprod. z TVP S.A.).

Producent filmów m.in. reż. Andrzeja Barańskiego „WARZYWNIAK 360’”(2007), koprod. z TVP S.A. oraz „OAZA” (2009), „MANO” (pełny metraż) – reż. Leszek Komorowski (2005), „ŚLUB KRAWCA (2001)w koprodukcji z TVP S.A. i „BŁĘDNE KOŁO”(2005) – reż. Elżbieta Wąsik, „KRÓL I KRÓLIK” reż. Norbert Rasiński (2008), w koprod. z TVP S.A.(także pomysłodawca i współscenarzysta)  producent serii 13x 13’ dla TVP S.A.„PODROŻE NA BURZOWEJ CHMURZE” reż. Agnieszka Sadurska (2007-2009) oraz serii  26x 13’„HIP – HIP I HURRA” (2009-13) koprodukcja polsko-francuska, seria sprzedana do ok. 110 krajów (w Polsce emisja w TVP serii „MAMI FATALE”26x10’ (2011-14), koprodukcja z GS Animation z Gdańska. Serial trzykrotnie nagrodzony przez Jury Dziecięce na Tarnowskiej Nagrodzie Filmowej (w latach 2012-14)

Producent nagradzanych na festiwalach krótkometrażowych filmów animowanych: LUCKY DAY FOREVER – reż. Alek Wasilewski (2011) oraz ŁAŹNIA – reż. Tomek Ducki (2013)

Od 1.04.2010 SMF zostaje przekształcone w Spółkę Skarbu Państwa, od tego czasu pełni funkcję Prezesa Zarządu.

Współorganizator – ze strony polskiej CARTOON FORUM, rok 2011 Sopot.

W latach 2014-2015 uczestniczy jako producent, z ramienia Studia Miniatur Filmowych w polsko-rumuńsko-francuskiej koprodukcji, animowany film pełnometrażowy CZARODZIEJSKA GÓRA – reż. Anca Damian, nagrodzony (wyróżnienie) m.in. na Festiwalu w KarlovychVarach w 2015 r.

W latach 2014 - 17 producent serii i filmów pojedynczych:

NIE MARTW SIĘ TAMARO – 25 min. TV Special, reż. Elżbieta Wąsik ,koprod. Polsko-francuska

BALI – 13x10 min. (też współreżyseria z Szymonem Adamskim) – koprod. Polsko-francuska

THE WEBSTERS – 13x 11 min. Koprod. polsko- czesko- słowacka.

MAMI FATALE – III sezon – 13x10 min. Koprod. z GS Animation

BASIA – 13x10 min. Koprod. z GS Animation

AGATKA – 13x 10 min. koprod. z Serafiński Studio

Dorobek z ostatnich pięciu lat:


Seria Hip Hip i Hurra (odc. 11 min,):

„Kto porwał bociany” (2013

„Śmiech to zdrowie” (współaut.) (2018)

Seria Mami Fatale (IV seria, odc. 10 min,):

„Mademoiselle Tip-Top” (współaut.) - 2018

„Kasztany” (współaut.) 2018

Inne prace literackie:

  • Scriptdoctoring IV seriaMami Fatale (13x10’) 2018
  • Dialogi – 13 odc. Serii Bali (13x10’) 2016
  • Scriptdoctoring film pełnometrażowy SZLEMIEL 2018

  • Ponadto:

  • Reżyseria 7 odc.x10’ serii Bali 2016
  • Reżyseria trailera (ok. 1’20”) filmu SZLEMIEL 2018

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