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International Film Festival

Krakow 22-27 X 2024

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International Film Festival

Krakow 22-27 X 2024

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31st edition of International Animated Film Workshops, Cracow – Lanckorona

Added: November 13, 2023



25th November (Saturday) - 6 PM
Paradox Cinema

The presence of International Animated Film Workshops in the program of this year`s Festival ETIUDA&ANIMA confirms the continuous existence of this artistic and pedagogical undertaking over decades. Celebrating its impressive jubilee this year, the International Film Festival ETIUDA&ANIMA and Workshops have collaborated over the years in various artistic and organizational aspects. The project of International Animated Film Workshops originated in 1996 as a joint initiative of Jerzy Kucia (the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, the Animated Film Workshop), Bogusław Zmudziński (International Film Festival “Etiuda&Anima” and Myriam Prongue (the Swiss Foundation for Culture Pro Helvetia).

The workshops answered the needs of artists and the requirements of the changing contemporary art of animated film. The formula of the Workshops, perfected over the years, takes the form of master classes. It mainly focuses on helping to shape artistic individuality of each participant, crystallize their original film language and their way of communication with the audience.

The workshops also initiate new film projects, the development of structural assumptions and create conditions for comprehensive preparation and realization of films. The participants work in creative contact with artistic authorities. The opportunity to work with outstanding artists and pedagogues, and among other international participants adds a broad substantive dimension to the Workshops.

The Workshops were held continually even during the pandemic. It was a difficult time, both for artists and organizers. Currently, they help artists in their return to regular, intense artistic activity and creative functioning directly in the international environment. Placing the practical part of the Workshops in Lanckorona enables the participants from Poland and the world to work with full concentration while being surrounded by Polish landscape.

A few hundred artists took part in previous editions of the Workshops. Among the pedagogues and visiting lecturers we can find the most outstanding artists, historians and theorists of animated film, among others, Piotr Dumała (Poland) , Jacek Adamczak (Poland), Otto Alder  (Switzerland), Gil Alkabetz (Germany: Potsdam-Babelsberg), Ernst Ansorge  (Switzerland), Rolf Bächler (Switzerland), Giannalberto Bendazzi  (Milan, Italy), Frank Braun (Switzerland), Mariola Brillowska  (Hamburg, Germany), Suzanne Buchan (London, Great Britain), Andriej Chrzanowski (Moscow, Russia), Oksana Czerkasova  (Yekaterinburg, Russia), Lutz Dammbeck  (Germany), Jean Marie Demeyer (Ghent, Belgium), Borivoj Dovnikovič Bordo  (Croatia), Paul Driessen  (Kassel, Germany), André Eckardt (Dresden, Germany), Robert Engler (Switzerland, Taiwan), David Ehrlich (USA), Hedda Gehm  (Germany), Marcin Giżycki (Poland, USA), Felix Gönnert  (Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germany), Martina Großer (Germany), Rolf Hofmann (France), Jerzy Kalina (Poland), Max Knoth (Germany), Ralf Kukula (Germany), Anri Kulev (Sofia, Bulgaria), Raimund Krumme  (Germany), Gillian Lacey  (London, Great Britain), Jan Lenica  (Poland), Caroline Leaf  (Canada, USA), Claude Luyet (Switzerland), Jurate Leikaite (Lithuania), Joško Marusič  (Zagreb, Croatia), Bärbel Neubauer (Austria), Andrzej Orzechowski  (Poland), Christine Panushka (USA), Izabela Plucińska  (Poland), Bretislav Pojar (Prague, the Czech Republic), Jonas Raeber  (Switzerland), Marjut Rimminen  (London, Great Britain), Raoul Servais  (Ghant, Belgium), Jan Švankmajer  (the Czech Republic),Georges Schwizgebel  (Switzerland), Nicole Salomon (France), Hubert Sielecki (Vienna, Austria), Roze Stiebra  (Riga, Latvia), Gabor T. Steisinger  (Germany, USA), Sabine Scholze  (Dresden, Germany), Otto Sacher (Germany), Lutz Stutzner (Germany).

Over the years the supporting partners of the Workshops have been: Foundation Pro Helvetia, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Cracow Municipality, Polish Film Institute, Polish Filmmakers Association, the Lanckorona Commune. Currently the regular organizational partner is Deutsches Institut für Animationsfilm. This support has enabled the existence of the Workshops for such a long time. It encouraged the organizers to support the art of animated film and its creators.

This year`s screening will include films from the latest history of the Workshops and fragments illustrating the stages of film production.

Jerzy Kucia

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