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International Film Festival

Krakow 22-27 X 2024

13. Krakow Summer Animation Days - 30 lipca- 01 sierpnia - program, posters

Added: July 22, 2021

30th July - 1st August 2021

Plac wielkiej armii Napoleona,
ul. Powiśle 9, Kraków

Open-air screenings of the best animations of the last season



30.07.2021 (Friday)

9.30 p.m.

Zabij to i wyjedź z tego miasta / Kill It and Leave This Town, dir..:Mariusz Wilczyński, Poland 2020, 88'

An autobiographical impression, a reminiscence of images from childhood, which revives the memory of the author’s deceased parents and his hometown of Łódź. Wilczyński made this film with the help of a team of talented animators including: Agata Gorządek, Jakub Wroński, Marta Pajek, Agnieszka Borowa, Marta Magnuska, Joanna Jasińska-Koronkiewicz, Paweł Walicki, Kacper Czyczyło, Agnieszka Konarska and Anita Kwiatkowska-Naqvi.

11.00 p.m.

The Best of ANIMA 2020 - International Film Festival Etiuda&Anima  - I (81’27’’)


Program of the festival, which has been organized since 1994 in Krakow, focuses on animation and student etudes. Starting from 2017, apart from two international competitions (ETIUDA and ANIMA), it also encompasses a competition of Polish animation – ANIMA.PL

  • Jestem tutaj / I’m Here, dir.: Julia Orlik, Poland 2020, 15’
  • Idę po Papierosy / I’m Going Out for Cigarettes / Je sors acheter des cigarettes, dir.: Osman Cerfon, France 2018, 13’35”
  • Skarb / Precious / Précieux, dir.: Paul Mas, France 2019, 14’
  • Pod Lodem / Under the Ice / Sous la Glace, dir.: M. Baulard, I. Berrahma, F. Dupont, L. Estampes, Q. Nory, H. Potin, France 2019, 6’47”
  • Symbioza / Symbiosis, dir.: Nadja Andrasev, France, Hungary 2019, 12’50”
  • Rozmowy z wielorybem / Conversations with a Whale, dir.: Anna Samo, Germany 2020, 8’45”
  • Stop-klatka / Freeze frame, dir.: Soetkin Verstegen, Germany, Belgium 2019, 5’
  • Więzy / Ties / Uzi, dir.: Dina Velikovskaya, Germany, Russia 2019, 7’39”
  • Altötting, dir.: Andreas Hykade, Germany, Canada, Portugal 2020, 11’23”
  • Złote Serce / Heart of Gold / Un Cœur d’Or, dir.: Simon Filliot, France 2020, 12’46”

31.07.2021 (Saturday)

9.30 p.m.

Podróż Księcia / Prince’s Voyage, dir.:Jean – Francois Laguionie, Xavier Picard, France 2019, 77'  (Polish dubbing)

Young Tom finds an injured shipwrecked man on a beach. He turns out to be the old prince from a completely different land. The prince gets to know the new world but he also arouses great interest among local scientists.

10.50 p.m.

The Best of ANIMA 2020 - International Film Festival Etiuda&Anima  - II (87’06”)

  • Roz-poznanie / Co-Ognition, dir.: Przemysław Świda, Poland 2020, 6’
  • Dlaczego ślimaki nie mają nóg / Why Slugs Have No Legs / Warum Schnecken Keine Beine Haben, dir.: Aline Höchli, Switzerland 2019, 10’44”
  • Wielki smutek / The Great Malaise / Le mal du sičcle, dir.: Catherine Lepage, Canada 2020, 5’19”
  • Wielka Księga Uczuć – Tęsknota / The Great Book of Feelings - Longing, dir.: Wiola Sowa, Poland 2020, 7’
  • Własne śmieci / Your Own Bullshit, dir.: Daria Kopiec, Poland 2020,6’26”
  • Łowy / The Hunt, dir.: Mateusz Jarmulski, Poland 2019, 8’
  • Marbles, dir.:  Natalia Spychała, Poland 2019, 5’31”
  • backstage_episodes, dir.: Marcin Wojciechowski, Poland 2020, 11’
  • I coś jeszcze / And Something Else, dir.: Olga Kłyszewicz, Poland 2020, 6’41”
  • Takie piękne miasto / Such a Beautiful Town, dir.: Marta Koch, Poland 2019, 7’45” 
  • Kobieta z kamyczkiem w sercu / A Woman with a Pebble in Her Heart, dir.: Karyna Piwowarska, Jakub Wroński, Poland 2020, 14’

1.08.2021 (Sunday)

9.30 p.m.

Films awarded at the 14th International Animated Film Festival ANIMATOR in Poznań (131’)

The 14th edition of the Oscar®-qualifying International Animated Film Festival ANIMATOR finished only a couple of days ago! We’re presenting a selection of the awarded animations.

  • Książę w cukierni/ Prince in a pastry shop, dir: Katarzyna Agopsowicz, Poland/ 2020, 16'
  • Pięć Minut Starsza / Five Minutes Older, dir.: Sara Szymańska, Poland 2020, 5'57
  • Souvenir Souvenir, dir.: Bastien Dubois, France 2020, 15'
  • Push This Button if You Begin to Panic, reż.: Gabriel Böhmer, UK 2020, 11’
  • My Favorite War / Moja ulubiona wojna, dir.: Ilze Burkovska Jacobsen, Norway, Latvia 2020, 82’

An animated documentary based on the childhood story of director Ilze Burkovska-Jacobsen, growing up in the USSR during the Cold War. A coming of age story about the personal road of escape from the brainwash of the mighty authoritarian regime.

11.45 p.m.

Animasophia  by Ülo Pikkov (49’)

Ülo Pikkov - great an Estonian animator, film director and producer.In 1998 he graduated from Turku School of Art and Media. Until 2016, he was an associate professor in the animation department of the Estonian Academy of Arts. He has written and illustrated books, as well as published caricatures and illustrations in the press.

  • Keha mälu / Pamięć cielesna / Body Memory, dir.: Ülo Pikkov, Estonia 2011, 9’
  • Tik-Tak, dir.: Ülo Pikkov, Estonia 2015, 12’
  • Tühi Ruum / Pusta przestrzeń / Empty Space, dir.: Ülo Pikkov, Estonia 2016, 11’
  • Lahtilaskmise lugu / Uwolnienie / Letting Go, dir.: Ülo Pikkov, Estonia 2017, 11’
  • Zebra, dir.: Ülo Pikkov, Estonia 2015, 6’


Animation workshops for children aged 6-9

Led by: Daria Godyń

When: 31st July (Saturday), 10.00 am – 1.00 pm

Place: The Feliks Jasieński Szołayski House – the branch of the National Museum in Krakow, Plac Szczepański 9

Number of participants: maximum 10

Registration: marta.chwalek@etiudaandanima.pl

Animation workshops for children aged 10-12

Led by: Daria Godyń

When: 31st July (Saturday), 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm

Place: The Feliks Jasieński Szołayski House – the branch of the National Museum in Krakow, Plac Szczepański 9

Number of participants: maximum 10

Registration: marta.chwalek@etiudaandanima.pl

In response to the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, we follow the advice and recommendations of the American Center for Disease Prevention and Control (Center for Disease Control, CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and local authorities. Current information and further details can be found on the WHO website and the Center for Disease Prevention and Control.


We present a series of posters from the 13th edition of Krakow Summer Animation Days. We invite you

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