

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024


VOD user manual

Dodano: October 20, 2024

1. Go to the website or click VOD in the menu of the website (access from October 22, 2024 from the first VOD screening of the festival)

ATTENTION! It is best to run the VOD platform on a PC with Windows 7 or newer, with the current version of the Chrome browser, on phones only with the android system. For MAC computers or IPhones, the VOD platform can only run on the latest version of Chrome or Firefox.

2. Locate the pass / ticket code in the email you received from Bilety24.

Location of the code on the purchased ticket or pass

3. Enter the received 9-digit code of pass / ticket in the field ENTER TICKET CODE on the home page of the VOD service.

4. Select a projection from the selection list (the list currently includes only those screenings whose premiere date and time has occurred, and the 12-hour time window of availability has not yet passed)

5. Approve the VOD regulations (after reading and familiarizing yourself with them)

6. Click the ENTER button

7. The projection you have logged in is available within 12 hours from the broadcast start time, logging in just before the end of the 12-hour time window allows you to view the entire material. It is no longer possible to log into a projection whose 12-hour time slot has passed.
e.g. the premiere of Etuda I competition starts on October 23 at 5:00 p.m., online screening is possible for 12 hours from 5:00 PM to 5:00 AM the following day October 24.

8. After completing all the steps, click the LOG OUT button (IMPORTANT - see NOTE)

WARNING! Access to a single projection is only available from one location (IP), you cannot log in from two different locations at the same time. To be able to watch in a different location, first LOG OUT from the previous one. Closing the browser window without logging out does not log out of the platform, therefore it is important to click the LOG OUT button.

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