

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Time for the winners!

Dodano: November 28, 2014

After a week of an intense watching, the viewers will experience a no less exciting ending of the festival – a gala presenting the laureates of ETIUDA and ANIMA. All this, and even more – soon.

Closing gala, which is a kind of summary of recent achievements of the students of film schools from all over the world and everything what is currently happening in the world of animation, is a real treat for fans of the festival ETIUDA & ANIMA and all lovers of cinema. Among the 48 films presented during eight screenings of ETIUDA competition and 74 animated productions shown during seven screenings of ANIMA, the jury will indicate the most memorable ones.

That’s why, one cannot imagine a better opportunity to experience the whole essence of the festival, or catching up during just one evening, than Thursday, Nov. 27. Two competitions, around which the entire essence of event revolves, will reach its climax, and the festival audience will get to know the winners of the Golden, Silver and Bronze Dinosaurs (ETIUDA), as well as Golden, Silver and Bronze Jabberwocky (ANIMA). Moreover, there will be handed out such recognitions as Special Golden Dinosaur Award for best film school at the festival and Special Golden Jabberwocky for best animated, student etude at the festival. In addition to the prestigious awards, the winners will also receive a prize of 2,500 euro.

Countdown to the closing gala of the festival has just started!

Tickets available at the box office.

Closing Gala
Nov. 27 (Friday), 8:30 pm, Cinema Rotunda

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