

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Where dogs die
Where dogs die

Views of Svetlana Filippova

Dodano: November 24, 2017

This Saturday Svetlana Filippova – Russian artist – will honour with her presence 24. IFF Etiuda&Anima. We will have an opportunity to see the world with her own eyes in the meeting of the „Self-Portraits od Animation Authors” series.

 Where dogs die

Still from animation „Where dogs die”, dir.: Svetlana Filippova


Filipova creates extraordinary animations from an ostensibly ordinary point of view. It seems that there is nothing valuable in what a child or an animal has to say. However, she decides to use their point of view to tell the story. This way of presenting makes the viewers see much more. The world functioning according to its own simple rules seen with the eyes of little Sarah (Sarah’s Tale, 2006). Family relations and the pain of the longing in Where dogs die (2011), where the protagonist is a dog. Results of the combination of love, politics and human fates shown in Three Love Stories (2007) from the point of view of tenderhearted poet and in Brut (2014)  depicting the Prague Ghetto through the eyes of a dog. Seemingly infantile contents is completed with aesthetics of Svetlana’s works – she works with simple forms – child drawings and sand painting.


The participants of the meeting are going to have an opportunity not only to talk with the artist, but also try to take and understand her point of view during the live show of sand-painted movie creation.

Patrycja Skoczylas

Tłumaczenie: Angelika Harat


Self-Portraits of Animation Authors (III) – Svetlana Filippova
25th November (Saturday), 05.30 pm.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room




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