

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Second day of the 29th IFF Etiuda&Anima

Dodano: November 30, 2022

Wednesday, November 30th, is the second day of the Etiuda&Anima International Film Festival and its accompanying events.

From 2 pm onwards, in the Conference Room, any art enthusiast will have a chance to see an exhibition entitled interlaced/przeplatane. Przemysław Liput, the Memorymorph Collective (Jacek Złoczowski and Małgorzata Łuczyna) and Wiola Sowa are the authors of artworks which are the result of their experiments on stereoscopic image processing. The meeting with the aforementioned artists will take place later in the day, at 7:30 pm.

Still from animation „The 2 Shoes” reż. Paul Driessen

The second screening of the Anima competition, which will showcase only short animated films, will begin an hour later, at 3 pm, in the large screening room as well as on the VOD platform. The event will be inaugurated by the screening of the movie The 2 Shoes directed by Paul Driessen (a story of a child, a young man, an adult and an old man who are moving one by one towards destruction. On their way, however, they find two shiny shoes). Other interesting films showcased during this part of the festival are: Sierra (dir. Sander Joon), Homebird (dir. Ewa Smyk), RIM (dir. Hagar Faibish), Bestia (dir. Hugo Covarrubias), Paperi (dir. Katariina Haukka), Losing It (dir. Sascha Vernik) and In His Mercy (dir. Christoph Büttner), a story of a prisoner who miraculously manages to escape from prison shortly before his execution.

Still from film „Night Visit” dir. Mya Kaplan

All of the participants of the festival will have an opportunity to see the second screening of short films nominated for the Etiuda competition at 4 pm, either in the small screening room or on the VOD platform. This particular part will begin with Mona&Parviz directed by Kevin Biely. The films, both documentaries and feature films, will show viewers various human dramas, starting with Zhanh Zhijun, who tries to escape from the scene of an accident after hitting a person (Three Ants, dir. Yuan-HaiTao), through Ruthie, who spends an extraordinary night with a man from her village; she discovers, however, some strange circumstances that led to their meeting (Night Visit, dir. Mya Kaplan) ending with an utopian story of Jack, a man who uses the services of a company that transforms people into trees (There is no peace of mind, directed by Karol Ulman). The only documentary film shown during this part of the second day of the festival is entitled Aralkum and was directed by Daniel Asadi Faezi and Mily Zhliktenko.

Still from animation „Ole-Luk-Oie” dir. Joanna Jasińska-Koronkiewicz

The first screening of the ANIMA.PL competition, which focuses on Polish productions, will take place at 5 pm, both in the Małopolska Gardens of Art and on the online VOD platform. All those interested will have a chance to see eleven films of different Polish artists. Slow Light (dir. Katarzyna Kijek and Przemysław Adamski), Distance (dir. Katarzyna Orłowska), Dessert Dachshund (dir. Betina Bożek), Ole-Luk-Oie (dir. Joanna Jasińska-Koronkiewicz), Water Lullaby (dir. Piotr Kaźmierczak), On Time (dir. Zbigniew Czapla), Turbo Love (dir. Alicja Jasina), Blue 52 (dir. Katarzyna Stefańska and Klaudia Wysiadecka), Self-Portrait as Felt (dir. Julia Benedyktowicz) and 3 geNARRATIONS (dir. Paulina Ziółkowksa).

We invite you to an accompanying event which will begin at 5 pm and which will consist of a screening of the film entitled XOXO - Hugs and kisses directed by Wiola Sowa, as well as another one called Women of Lesser Poland in animation. Wiola Sowa. The interview with the creator was conducted by Bogusław Zmudziński.

The second part of the segment called "An Incubator for World Animation Talent" will start at 6.00 pm and will take place only in the large screening room of the Małopolska Gardens of Art. It will focus on the second Canadian artist discussed during the festival, Norman McLaren. Le merle, Short and Suite, Synchromy and Blinkity Blank are the titles of only four out of nine  of his films presented during the second day of Etiuda&Anima.

Still from film „Opening Speech McLaren” dir. Norman McLaren

The first screening of films under the title "Europe in Animation" will take place at 7:30 pm, only in the small screening room. During this event, which will last almost an hour and a half, viewers will have an opportunity to see as many as ten films from countries such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania and Slovenia.

The day will end with the screenings of films nominated for the Anima competition (large screening room and VOD platform) and Etiuda (small screening room and VOD platform) will begin respectively at 8 pm and 9 pm. Among the former there are as many as 8 movies: Once there was a sea... (dir. Joanna Kożuch). Zoon (dir. Jonatan Schwenk), Please Don't Touch (dir. Capucine Gougelet), Salvation Has No Name (dir. Joseph Wallace), The Pink Jacket (dir. Mónica Santos), Soloists (dir. Abdollahinia, Feben Woldenhawariat, Razahk Issaka, Celeste Jamneck, Yi Liu), Molting (dir. Katushi Bowda) and Dealing With War (dir. Andreas Hykade). Among the latter, as many as five will be shown: I Only Appear Dead (dir. Mira-Belle Rose Bryld), The Fourth Door (dir. Hugo Magaña), The Elusive Joy of Labor (dir. Miao Yu), Geamăna (dir. Matthäus Wörle) and Vagabond (dir. Dominik Enzi).

Link to purchase individual tickets:

– PLN 7 for a reduced VOD ticket and PLN 8 for a regular VOD ticket
– PLN 10 for a discount KINO ticket and PLN 12 for a regular KINO ticket

Tickets for VOD screenings and physical screenings are sold separately.

More about tickets and passes:

We encourage you to follow the information about the 29th International Film Festival Etiuda&Anima on the website: and on Facebook:

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