

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Przemysław Liput

Dodano: October 10, 2022

Born in 1985 in Sanok. Graduated from the Graphic and Visual De­sign Department, Faculty of Art, Pedagogical University of Krakow in 2010. Wrote and defended his M.A. thesis at the Digital Printing studio under Adam Panasiewicz, Ph.D. Hab. Awarded a doctoral degree in art in 2017 under Grzegorz Hańderek, Ph.D. Hab., at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice.

Przemysław Liput

Winner of multiple awards and honourable mentions, participant of exhibitions and film festivals in Poland and abroad. Author of illustrations for the books Miasto Potwór (Monster City, Kropka), Rok w przedszkolu (A Year in Kindergarten, Nasza Księgarnia), Ziemia do Jadzi (Earth to Jadzia) and Jano i Wito (Jano and Wito series, Mamania).

Author of animated films, children’s books, commercial spots and advertising campaigns. Has been teaching animation, motion graphic and multimedia at the Faculty of Art of the Commission of National Education Pedagogical University of Krakow since 2011.

His realisations include graphic and drawing designs and video works. Designs and develops cinematic and pre-cinematic objects, projector machines, and stereoscopic devices. In animated film, focuses on camera-less, experimental, minimalist and pre-cin­ematographic activities.

Co-organiser of three national and one international editions of the NOTO – Artist’s Notebook Student Competition.

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