

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Industrial events at the 24th Etiuda&Anima Festival

Dodano: November 16, 2017

Film festival it’s not only film screenings, it’s also a meeting place for film industry and experts. We invite you for many accompanying events in which you will learn more about cinema and its mechanisms.

Anita Killi during the 23rd IFF Etiuda & Anima


Lecture and demonstration “VR – spherical animation, psychological aspects of perception and spectatorship in the context of new media”


Led by: Iwona Pomianowska

During the lecture and the presentation at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow we will work together with the young generation of the animation filmmakers on the new technique of the spherical film, its workflow as well as the presentation ways and distribution. We will put under the consideration the artistic means that are brought by this new storytelling platform as well the limitations that it imposes on the filmmaking art.

24th November (Friday), 4 p.m.
Academy of Fine Arts Kraków, Karmelicka 16 street – animation studio, 1st floor, room 11


Lecture and workshop „Emperor’s new clothes. From the project to stylization of the new graphic identity of Etiuda&Anima Festival in 2018”


Led by: Kaja Renkas, Iwona Pomianowska

During the lecture and workshop we will go together through the sequential phases of poster and a film trailer creation that are going to promote Etiuda&Anima Festival in 2018. The graphic artist Kaja Renkas, who takes part in the biggest poster design contests in the world, together with Iwona Pomianowska, a film director and motion graphic artist, will explain how they cooperated to achieve a complementary visual identity design of Etiuda & Anima 2018 on a static (poster) as well as on a dynamic platform (motion graphics). The lecture will be enriched with the various works of their designing duo, which will illustrate a complementary workflow cooperation.

25th November (Saturday), 12 p.m.
Academy of Fine Arts Kraków, Karmelicka 16 street – animation studio, 1st floor, room 11


“The Art of Pitching” – or how to present your project effectively and attractively


Lecture by Anna Szczerbińska

Public speaking, presentations, pitches are slowly becoming everyday business routine (also in the film world). Yet for many of us they are still a challenge. In front of the audience we make lots of mistakes – what we say is abstruse, chaotic, with no plan, we often try too hard to be funny or exaggerate with the use of professional language. The effect is cheap and no matter how good our idea is, not a soul will pay any attention to us. And nobody wants to be remembered as a “merciless bore who kept losing the thread”. Our aim is to make those to whom we direct our words listen to us, understand us (SIC!) and remember us. Easy to say, but how to do it? We will talk about structuring our presentations and about our own preparations. Which mistakes to avoid and which practice is the best to “seduce” the listeners at the end.


After the meeting there will be a chance to make arrangements for individual counsel.

The number of places is limited.

23rd November (Thursday), 10 a.m.
Kino Kijów – Studio Room 1
Krasińskiego 34 Ave.


Rights to debuts and student etudes – eligibility of a school, producer and co-authors


Lecture by Wojciech Krawiec, an attorney from LASSOTA I PARTNERZY attorneys’office

During the training course the issues of using rights to a film resulting from the fact of making films during studies and as diploma films, cooperation of co-authors and film crew members as well as a producer’s involvement.

25th November (Saturday), 3 p.m.
Małopolski Ogród Sztuki – Small Screening Room
Rajska 12 street


Multilab KPT – Practical postproduction workshops


Creative color correction

Led by: Łukasz Urbański, Marcin Lech


Analysis of DI process in animated film

Led by: Piotr Krasny


We would like to invite you to Multilab, the most modern postproduction studio in Krakow, for workshops for professionals. The lectures will deal with subjects related to creative color correction and digital post-production process.

24th November (Friday), 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Kraków Technology Park, Multilab, Podole 60 street




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