

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Julia Orlik

Dodano: October 12, 2021

A graduate of the Lodz Film School with specialization in animated film and special effects. Born in Katowice on February 10, 1996, at present she’s a resident of Krupski Młyn, where all her time-lapse films were made in her family garage. In addition to animation, she is also interested in bloody special effects, film make-up and conducting film workshops with children and teenagers.

She is the author of the films Banquet (Bankiet, 2016), My strange older brother (Mój dziwny starszy brat, 2018) and Quidquid Latine dictum sit, altum videtur (2019), which have been shown and awarded at film festivals in Poland and abroad. Her last etude I'm here (Jestem tutaj, 2020) was shortlisted for the GSA BAFTA Student Film Awards 2021, and has won, among others, Golden Dove at the DOK Lepizig Festival, Grand Prix at the "Etiuda & Anima" International Film Festival, the award for the best animation at the Animafest Zagreb festival and at the Anifilm festival in the Czech Republic and many others.

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