

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Człowiek z magicznym pudełkiem
Człowiek z magicznym pudełkiem

Bodo Kox at Etiuda&Anima

Dodano: November 10, 2017

We invite you to the screening of the latest Bodo Kox' film, “The Man with the Magic Box”, which will be highlighted by the meeting with the director. During 24th IFF Etiuda&Anima, this legendary artist of the Polish off scene will also appear in another role - as a member of the ETIUDA Competition Jury.


Bodo Kox got his diploma in journalism, and is a director, a scriptwriter and an actor by profession. For many years he continued to be one of the major representatives of the Polish off-cinema. Intially, he dreamed of a music career, but in the end he found himself working in the independent cinema. At first he used his nickname Bodo Kox to sign his off-cinema films but then in 2006 he officially changed his name Bartosz Koszała into Bodo Kox in the Registry Office. Having gained success in the independent film, he started directing studies in the Polish National Film School in Lodz, followed by scriptwriting course at the Wajda School in Warsaw. He made his debut in professional film with his well-received Girl from the Closet (Dziewczyna z szafy, 2012). The Man with the Magic Box, which is presented at this year’s E&A festival, is his second feature film.


Człowiek z magicznym pudełkiem

“The Man with the Magic Box” is an unusual comedy about time travel and love that can conquest time and space. Warsaw, 2030. It may seem that in case of Adam, a better tomorrow already happened yesterday. The protagonist, suffering from a mysterious memory loss, has to make a fresh start.


The Man with the Magic Box

Director and writer: Bodo Kox, cinematographers: Arkadiusz Tomiak, Dominik Danilczyk, composer: Sandro Di Stefano, cast: Piotr Polak, Olga Bołądź, Sebastian Stankiewicz, Agata Buzek, Helena Norowicz, Arkadiusz Jakubik, Wojciech Zieliński, Poland 2017, feature film, 103 min.


26th November (Sunday), 05.00 pm.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room
Special Guest – Bodo Kox

Meeting with Bodo Kox led by Łukasz Wojtusik

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