

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Early cinema’s magic

Dodano: November 21, 2014

The spirit of Victorian fascination with cinema has never been so close for the festival audience. And it’s all thanks the film A Magic-Lantern Life: The Story of the American Magic-Lantern Theatre.

Unofficial beginnings of cinema took place a good few years before the creation of the first cameras, which is proved in the film inspired by the magic lantern theater, created by Marcin Giżycki, artistic director of the Animator festival in Poznan and this year's jury member in the ANIMA competition, in collaboration with a recognized director and cinematographer, Peter O'Neill. Directorial duo has already worked together in the film A James Barnhill Portrait.

A Magic-Lantern Life: The Story of the American Magic-Lantern Theatre wouldn’t be produced without a passion of Terry Borton and Nancy Stewart, who form the only group of this kind in the United States, which evokes the spirit of incredible performances consisting of music, acting, interacting with the audience and, most importantly, projected on the big screen images, made by one of the first projectors - the magic lantern. The performance was widely recognized by the audience and thus, it has a permanent place in the canon of American culture. The fact that, in addition to Borton’s group, there are two similar ones in the whole world only adds to its uniqueness.

The film will be a great alternative for those viewers who won’t manage to see the live performance on Friday, Nov. 21, and for those who want to feel the spirit of the 19th century hidden in the magic lantern. This image captured in the frame by Giżycki and O'Neill will certainly stir the imagination of contemporary audience.

The American Magic-Lantern Theater Show
Nov. 21 (Friday), 6:00 pm, Cinema Rotunda

A Magic-Lantern Life: The Story of the American Magic-Lantern Theatre MM
Nov. 22 (Saturday), 5.00 pm, Cinema Rotunda

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