

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024


The Fourth Day of the International Film Festival Etiuda&Anima 2023

Dodano: November 24, 2023

The fourth day of our festival we Begin in MOS’s Small Hall with two study cases. The first one is about to start at 12 p.m. and the guest is Małgorzata Bosek-Serafińska, a producer in Serafiński Studio. She will talk mostly about production process of the series Szmatkowe Królestwo. The second case study, will start at 1 p.m. and will consist of two parts – the screening of In Side film in technology 3D and presentation of S3D Studio. Moreover, during the panel, the studio’s crew will talk about the secrets of stereoscopic production focused mainly on animation in In Side film. 

At 1 p.m., in MOS’s Big Hall, themed event Green Etiuda&Anima: nature-human-culture will take place. Études and animations presented during the festival, show us not only the sensivity and perspectives of their creators, but also the multitude of possible narrations on the topic of natural environment. Once again, we chose some stories that discuss the matter of ecosystem and human’s position in the world. During this event, our guests can watch seven projects, including A Long Story Short from 2018, directed by Andrei Olanescu, Story from 2019, directed by Jolanta Bańkowska, and The End of Voyage from 2023, directed by CHOI Minho.

Photo from animation „Soy una tumba”, dir. Khris Cembe

At 2 p.m., in MOS’s Small Hall, we invite you to an inspirational notation: Women of Little Poland in animation. This special project was brought to life to get people’s attention on young female artists, who study at Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, to be exact in Animation Film Studio. The notation also highlights the enormous difference in animation industry in comparsion to the last century, it was dominated by men. The first screening is focused on Ewa Borysiewicz. At 3 p.m., in the same hall, there will be the second part of the event and it will focus on Marta Pajek. It was Katarzyna Surmacz who spoke to both of the artists.

At 3 p.m., in MOS’s Big Hall, event Europe in animation: Basque evening – ANIMAKOM will take place, and there will be a special guest – Pedro Rivero. Bilbao International Animation Community Festival – ANIMAKOM FEST was created in 2017 and their main goal was to fulfill blanks in Bilbao’s cultural programme and its regional environment. During the event, we will play the best short animated films from ANIMAKOM FEST from years 2017-2022, including Soy una tumba, dir. Khris Cembe, Nothing Ever Happens, dir. Javi Prieto, and Decorado, dir. Alberto Vázquez.

Photo from animation „Decorado”, dir. Alberto Vázquez

At the same time, 3 p.m., in Potocki Palace at Rynek Główny 20 street, there will be panel discussion about gender equality in Polish and European cinematography. The participants of the panel are female active directors, operators, editors, film music composers, and students of Polish film and music universities. We will see women such as Agnieszka Glińska, Wiola Sowa, and Sophie Linnenbaum.

Also, you can still come and visit our VR Corner and our WymiAR exhibition. Both of the attractions are in MOS at Rajska 12 street and are open from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Photo from animation „Tardes de verano”, dir. Oihane Abete, Garazi Feliu, Candela Gutiérrez, Ander Lizarraga, Iñigo Sánchez

In MOS’s Small Hall today will take place two last screenings of Etiuda comptetition. The fourth screening is planned to begin at 4 p.m., and the last one, the fifth, screening will start at 9 p.m. You can watch films such as The Parade (dir. Michail Galanopoulos), Revisited (dir. Iain Aigin Stronach Forbes), Apnea (dir. Natalia Bermudez), and The Visit (dir. Alexandra Roberta Serban). 

Photo from the film „The Visit”, dir. Alexandra Roberta Serban

At 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m., the fourth and the fifth screening of Anima competition will take place in MOS’s Big Hall. In the programme you might find titles like Trace (dir. Asparuh Petrov), Toto (dir. Klaudia Bochniak), Crab (dir. Piotr Chmielewski), and Princess Aubergine (dir. Dina Velikovskaya).

At 6:30 p.m. in MOS’s Small Hall, there will be screening of German film The Ordinaries from 2022, directed by Sophie Linnenbaum. It is a story about Paula, who lives in repressive society, and she has to face up to the most important challenge in her life.

Photo from the film „The Ordinaries”, dir. Sophie Linnenbaum

At 8 p.m. in MOS’s Big Hall, SPF Gala will Begin. There will be award giving for the best animations in 2022, and the screening of some awarded films, such as Slow Light by Katarzyna Kijek, or The thrown away book by Agata Gorządek.

At 10 p.m., in the same hall as the previous event, there will be ambient DJ Set in accompany of visualizations created by epidiascope. We invite you to the visual reflection about human contact with the element.

This is all for Friday, see you!

Link to purchase individual tickets:

– PLN 12 for a discount ticket (pupils/students/seniors)
– PLN 14 for a regular ticket

More about tickets and passes:

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