

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

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Case Studies of S3D Workshop on the basis of the film In Side

Dodano: November 05, 2023

The event comprises two basic elements. The first is the screening of the film In Side in 3D technology (the preferred screening format is passive 3D large format 4K SBS) and the presentation of the S3D Workshop. During the panel the workshop team will tell us about the ins and outs of stereoscope production focused, first of all, on stop-motion and puppet animation on the basis of the film In Side.

Still from animation " In Side"

The most important technical and artistic achievements of the S3D Workshop related to stereoscopy will be presented and discussed on the basis of the selected takes and scenes from the film. We are also hoping for animated discussion with panel participants on the future of the S3D format and its artistic potential.


24th November (Friday) - 1 PM
Małopolska Garden of Arts - Small Screening Room

Visual Narration Laboratory:

Operating as part of the Film School in Lodz, the Laboratory is entry into the new sphere of searches in the field of film and theatre art as well as photography, in whose traditional forms the School feels confident and which the School is still working on and developing itself. The Laboratory originated as a result of conclusion that the digital revolution in the media is not only a fact, but also that it exerts more and more influence on artistic activities (including film, animation and photography, which the School in Lodz specializes in). As the Laboratory, we creatively and theoretically explore the field of technologies connected with narration, such as cinematic VR, stereoscopy, interactive document and other interactive visual forms, film essay and finally digital large format publications. All these explorations are accompanied by scientific reflection, in the form of audience surveys investigating the influence of the pieces produced as part of the Laboratory or as part of regular conferences summarizing the activities of the Laboratory.

S3D Workshop

The workshop aims to investigate the artistic and structural capabilities offered by recording the stereoscopic image using “stop motion” techniques. As part of our activities, we conduct several innovative experiments aiming to learn about and broaden the film language dedicated to stop-motion animation within the context of the third dimension. As part of a four-year research program, a short animated (puppet) film is being produced together with a coursebook focusing on stereoscopic techniques and systematizing the possibilities and difficulties connected with stereoscopy. As part of the workshop, we hold competitions both for artists interested in taking part in a research project and for producers, institutions, and schools willing to implement S3D projects under the auspices of the workshop.

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