

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024


ECO survey in the context of ecological changes introduced during the Etiuda&Anima Festival - We invite you

Dodano: April 22, 2022

We are aware of our responsibility for the natural environment, especially now, when we are facing the climate disaster. As organizers of cultural events, we want to take actions against climate change, notably in that area, which is dearest to us - the culture.

We want to create our festival as eco-friendly as possible and encourage the audience to take a reflection about human place in the ecosystem through the festival's events and programm. However, it is impossible to create a festival without a community, which forms itself around the event - the audience, artists, volunteers and jury.

We are reaching out to you with a special survey. Its aim is to research the attitude of participants towards ecological actions during the Etiuda&Anima Festival, and also, familiarizing with your expectations and daily attitude toward ecology. Every voice matters!

The survey doesn’t take longer than 5 minutes.

Link to the survey:

Thank you very much! 

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