

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Festival Guide – Day Four

Dodano: November 22, 2018

On Friday, the attention will certainly focus on Jan Švankmajer. At the Kijów Centrum cinema we will present the Award of the 25th Anniversary of Etiuda&Anima Festival to this remarkable, Czech artist, whose works are part of the programme since the beginning of the festival. On this occasion, we will also show his latest film –  “Insect” (“Hmyz”). At the Małopolska Garden of Art,    the third series of the “Self-Portraits of Animation Authors”, will be devoted to the works of Estonian artist –  Űlo Pikkov. Today, two events from the new the “Between the Media” series will be taking place –  at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, we will introduce you to the works of our special guest Petr Skála, while at the Kijów Centrum cinema, we will show you the film by Łukasz Ronduda, which tells the story about a relationship of two eccentric artists – “The Shape of Love”. We also invite you for another screenings of ETIUDA and ANIMA competitions. To those interested in seeing the newest animations, we recommend attending to the Visegrad Animation Forum – New Talents 2018. On the occasion of 90th anniversary of Jan Lenica's birthday, we will come back to his full-length animation – Adam 2, as well as the document from the period preceding the Prague Spring – “The Greatest Wish”, by Jan Špáta. We encourage you to participate in other events: Advertising film workshops – Papaya Young Directors”, “The art of pitching, or how to effectively and impressively present your project”, and the meeting about the activities of Adam Mickiewicz Institute.


Al. Krasińskiego 34

Presenting the Award of the 25th Anniversary of Etiuda&Anima Festival to Jan Švankmajer
Special Guest – Jaromir Kalista, Veronika Hruba

Hmyz | Insect, reż. Jan Švankmajer, CZ 2018, 100’

In a small town, a troupe of actors rehearse a play by the Brother Čapek, “The Life Of Insects”. During the rehearsal, the personal lives of the actors blend with the destiny of the play’s characters.

24th November (Friday), 7 p.m.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room

Between the media (IV) – Łukasz Ronduda
Special Guest – Łukasz Ronduda

„The Shape of Love”, dir. Łukasz Ronduda, mus. Wojciech Bąkowski, cast: Justyna Wasilewska, Jacek Poniedziałek, prod. Kuba Kosma, PL 2016, 72’

Poland at the beginning of the 21st century. She is an artist who is difficult to be pigeonholed and he is an experimenting musician. They are two outsiders who have a lot in common. This is a fascinating portrait of one of the most original couples of the Polish art scene – a poetess and artist Zuzanna Bartoszek and a performer Wojtek Bąkowski. A perfect love. Does it exist? Or not?

23rd November (Friday), 9 p.m.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room


Rajska 12

Self-Portraits of Animation Authors III – Űlo Pikkov
Special Guest – Űlo Pikkov

- Keha mälu | Pamięć cielesna | Body Memory, reż.|dir.: Ülo Pikkov, EE 2011, 9’
- TIK-TAK, reż.|dir.: Ülo Pikkov, EE 2015, 12’
- Tühi Ruum | Pusta przestrzeń | Empty Space, reż.|dir.: Ülo Pikkov, EE 2016, 11’
- Lahtilaskmise lugu | Zostawiając za sobą | Letting Go, reż.|dir.: Ülo Pikkov, EE 2017, 11’
- Zebra, reż.|dir.: Ülo Pikkov, EE 2015, 6’

23rd November (Friday), 5.30 p.m.
MOS – Large Screening Room

Visegrad Animation Forum – New Talents 2018 (68’)

- Kötelék | Więź | Bond, reż.|dir.: Judit Wunder, HU 2016, 9’20’’
- mARRY jESUS gALAXY, reż.|dir.: Mery Gobec, Asja Trost, Inês Sampaio, Sandra Jovanovska, SL 2017, 3’22’’
- Tutti, reż.|dir.: Marek Jasaň, SK, 2016, 1’03’’
- Process | Proces | Process, reż.|dir.: Lucija Bužančić, HR 2017, 4’35’’
- Oh Mother! | O Matko!, reż.|dir.: Paulina Ziółkowska, PL 2017, 12’15’’
- WireLess | WireLess, reż.|dir.: Szandra Pataki, HU 2017, 6’40’’
- Oh God! | O Jezu!, reż.|dir.: Betina Bożek, PL 2017, 3’50’’
- Stranac u mojoj glavi | Obcy w mojej głowie | The Stranger in my Head, reż.|dir.: Petra Balekić, HR 2017, 4’27’’
- Contrast | Kontrast, reż.|dir.: Barbora Bárková, SK 2017, 4’24’’
- Mukumů | Mukumů, reż.|dir.: Pavla Baštanová, CZ 2017, 7’44’’
- Plody mraků | Owoce chmur | The Fruits of Clouds, reż.|dir.: Kateřina Karhánková, CZ 2017, 10’

23rd November (Friday), 8 p.m.
MOS – Small Screening Room


Plac Matejki 13

Between the media (III) – Petr Skála
Special Guest – Petr Skála

23rd November (Friday), 6 p.m.
ASP – assembly hall

- Svoboda | Wolność | Freedom, 2018
- Věštba | Proroctwo | Prophecy, 1980
- Stíny na zdi | Cienie na ścianie | Shadows on the Wall, 1975
- Terč | Cel | Target, 1970
- Pomatená noc - odleglej nocy | Szalona noc | A crazy night, 1973
- Spálená křídla | Spalone skrzydła | Burned Wings, 1979
- Hieroglyfy | Hieroglify | Hieroglyphics, 1969
- Magie času | Magia czasu | Magic of Time, 1977
- Isis, 1970
- Krev v srpnu | Krew w sierpniu | Blood in August, 1968
- Vnitřní stín | Wewnętrzny cień | Inner Shadow, 1977
- Zemská tíže | Grawitacja ziemi | Land Gravity, 1984
- Temná hmota | Ciemna materia | Dark Matter, 2017
- Golém | Golem, 1988
- Ta zeď | Ta ściana | That Wall, 2017
- Jen smrt... | Tylko śmierć... | Just death…, 1965-1988



The art of pitching, or how to effectively and impressively present your project
Led: Anna Szczerbińska

23rd November (Friday), 11.00 a.m.
MOS – Small Screening Room

Advertising film workshops – Papaya Young Directors
Led by: Kacper Sawicki Executive Producer Papaya Films
special guests: finalists of the competition and representative of the sponsor supporting the ideas of Papaya Young Directors

23rd November (Friday), 1 p.m.
MOS – Small Screening Room



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