

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Czlowiek z magicznym pudelkiem
Czlowiek z magicznym pudelkiem

A meeting with Bodo Kox

Dodano: November 25, 2017

On Sunday, the last day of the Etiuda&Anima Festival, we present you with a great oppurtunity: a screening of the latest Bodo Kox' movie, "The Man with the Magic Box" - a haunting futuristic love story. It will take place at the Kijow Centrum and after the screening, there will be a meeting with the director himself, the great Bodo Kox.

 Czlowiek z magicznym pudelkiem

“The Man with the Magix Box” (“Człowiek z magicznym pudełkiem”, 2017) is the second, after “Girl from the Closet” (“Dziewczyna z szafy”, 2012), professional film made by the ex-leader of the Polish off-cinema.

Extraordinary comedy about time travel and love able to cross any borders of time and space. Warsaw, 2030. It might seem that for Adam his best tomorrow happened yesterday... Suffering from amnesia of unknown origin, the protagonist needs to start everything from scratch. He changes apartments and starts work in a corporation. At work he meets an attractive Goria, by whom he is deeply enchanted. At first the girl resists his courtship, claiming stubbornly that he is not her type. However, when the romance develops, the young man makes a discovery. In his new apartment he finds an old radio still broadcasting programs from 1950s. As it turns out, the radio also emits waves enabling teleportation. During one of his time travels, Adam „gets stuck” in 1952. Goria, worried about her sweetheart’s absence, sets out on a fascinating, but dangerous mission to get him back.


The film screening will be followed by Bodo Kox’s meeting with the audience led by Łukasz Wojtusik.


26th November (Sunday), 05.00 pm.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room
Special Guest – Bodo Kox
Meeting with Bodo Kox led by Łukasz Wojtusik




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