

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

O czym szumi las
O czym szumi las

Etiuda&Anima for children

Dodano: November 13, 2017

Our festival does not forget about its youngest viewers. As in previous years, we have prepared a wide range of events for children. Our programme includes screenings of full-length animations and workshops.


Full-length animations: “In the Forest of Huckybucky” and “Richard the Stork”


„In the Forest of Huckybucky” (2016)

O czym szumi las

The Huckybucky forest is a nice place to live for all animals. Among them there is quite a large group of mice supported by Claus Climbermouse and Morten Wood Mouse. However, the forest is governed by the brutal law of nature and smaller animals need to watch out for much bigger predators. Particularly dangerous is Marvin, the fox, who loves to hunt – seemingly – defenseless mice. Animation that teaches solidarity, friendship and empathy.

A family film for kids over 6.

Dyrene i Hakkebakkeskogen

dir. Rasmus A. Sivertsen, sc. Karsten Fullu, Norway 2016, animation, 75 min.


23rd November (Thursday), 10.00 am.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room

25th November (Saturday), 11.00 am.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room



„Richard the Stork” (2017)

Riko prawie bocian

Orphaned as a chick and raised by storks, Riko, a sparrow, firmly believes that he himself is... a stork. He discovers the truth about his origin only in the migration season, when his foster parents – worried that Riko will not survive the journey – forbid him to fly to Africa. This, however, does not discourage Riko, who decides to show the world that he really is a stork and follows the flock. New friends will support him on the way south – an eccentric owl Olga, and a narcissistic parrot Kiki, who dreams about becoming a disco star. In their company "the smallest stork in the world" will discover that small sparrows are created to aim high!


A family film with Polish dubbing.


Richard the Stork

dir. Toby Genkel, Reza Memari, sc. Reza Memari, mus.: Éric Neveux, Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, Norway, USA 2017, animation, 85 min.


24th November (Friday), 10.00 am.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room

26th November (Sunday), 10.00 am.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room



Workshops for children


Toranoko P.A.C. workshops

Cultural exchange

for kids (8–13 years)


During the workshop led by Toranoko P.A.C. (among others Erika Matsushita, Julia Matsushita and kids) participants are going to watch “Muybridge’s Strings”  by Koji Yamamura, listen to live music by Marter and Yusaku Yoshimura (Toranoko musicians), touch the Japanese culture in, among others, origami, Japanese writing andgames and participate in the acting workshop with kids performing in Toranoko P.A.C.

Number of seats limited!


Sign up at:


25th November (Saturday), 10 a.m – 12 p.m.
Małopolski Ogród Sztuki – Large Screening Room
Rajska 12 street



Animation workshops for children


The workshops run by Piotr Szczepanowicz will be devoted to stop motion animation (cut outs, plasticine) made in front of the camera. We would like to present children of all ages the possibilities of creating animated worlds, on their own or together with others, and to encourage

them to be creative in the field which gives them unlimited possibilities of artistic expression. During the workshops the children will learn about the possibilities of animation and the ways they could use them at their own homes on the basis of selected film examples. Together we will also make our own animated production.


Group from 5 to 7 years

Younger children will be shown how to make a stop motion animation with the use of a phone or tablet. Together we will make a short film, in which the characters will be the Moomins (the latest production of the Animoon Studio Moomins at Christmas)


Group from 8 to 10 years

Older children will be shown the whole variety of creative possibilities. Every child will have a chance to become a Youtuber and make a film which will best describe him or her (a kind of a vlog on Youtube).


Sing up at: till 24.11.2017.

Number of seats limited!

26th November (Sunday), 10 a.m.–1 p.m.; 2–5 p.m.
Kamienica Szołayskich
plac Szczepański 9

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