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International Film Festival

Krakow 22-27 X 2024

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International Film Festival

Krakow 22-27 X 2024

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International Film Festival

Krakow 22-27 X 2024

When Adam Changes

Added: September 07, 2024

Adam is a 15-year-old teenager who has the strange peculiarity of having a body that changes based on the mockery and negative comments he receives from those around him. The accumulation of its physical changes only adds a layer of complexity to those already present in his life. The summer whenhis grandmother Ange dies, he has to work to develop his autonomy. Adam must learn to combine summer jobs with his friendship with Timothée, the desire that he feels towards Jeanne, the intimidation he suffers from Glazer's gang, his natural clumsiness, the family complications with his sister Karine, self-discovery and several other facets of teenage life that can be difficult and beautiful at the same time.

Adam change lentement | Zmiany Adama | When Adam Changes

Directed by: Joël Vaudreuil
Country: Kanada
Year: 2023
Running time: 93 min. 30 sek.

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