

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024


We know verdict of 23rd IFF Etiuda&Anima!

Dodano: November 27, 2016

 “Education” (dir. Emi Buchwald) is the Winner of Golden Dinosaur, and “Before Love” (dir. Igor Kovalyov) is the Winner of Golden Jabberwocky!


In ETIUDA competition took part 40 students’ movies from 16 countries, selected from 1500 send. Jury (Maciej J. Drygas – chairman, Ryszard Jaźwiński, Yoav Kosh, Martin Štoll, Fernanda Valadez) honoured Golden Dinosaur and money award of 15 000 PLN movie “Nauka” / “Education” (dir. Emi Buchwald) for ”a wise documentary film narrated with the original film language”. Silver Dinosaur went to “Die Stille” / “Still” (dir. Lily Erlinger) for “a moving, multidimensional and subtle psychological drama”. Bronze Dinosaur was awarded to movie „Nabelschnur” / „Umbilical Cord” (dir. Eliza Petkova) for “the original aesthetics and formally intriguing storytelling, filled with humor”.


Photo from the film "Education"

Jury of ETIUDA awards also prize of Special Golden Dinosaur for film school, which sent the best set of movies for festival. This year for quality of presented movies were honoured Lodz Film School. Jury members decided to give honour diplomas to films: „Samira” (dir. Charlotte A. Rofles, Hamburg Media School), „Lokatorki” / „Tenants” (dir Klara Kochańska-Bajon, Lodz Film School), „Beneath the Wheel” (dir. KWAK Eun-mi, KAFA – Korean Academy of Film Arts).

The Great Underestimated – the Award of the Artistic Director Bogusław Zmudziński in ETIUDA get to “Twins” by Pablo Radice. Students’ jury also announced its verdict – Katarzyna Popiel, Monika Polak, Rafał Badan awarded short movie „Nabelschnur” / „Umbilical Cord” (dir. Eliza Petkova). In their turn representatives of International Federation of Movie Discussion Clubs (Simon Bunckenburg, Łukasz Raszewski, Babil Vincente Vives) gave Don Kichot award to „Nabelschnur” / „Umbilical Cord” (dir. Eliza Petkova) and gave two honour distinctions to: „Sightseeing” (dir. David Borbas, Budapest Metropolitan University), „Kis” (dir. Svetlana Bolycheva, Russian State University of Cinematography). The audience award winner is short movie „Szczękościsk” / “Lockjaw” (dir. Kordian Kądziela, Krzysztof Kieślowski Faculty of Radio and Television University of Silesia).

Award for the best cinematography for the students from the countries of the Visegrad Group (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) in the form of in-kind contribution of 5 000 PLN funded by Heliograf company went to  „Szczękościsk” / “Lockjaw” (dir. Kordian Kądziela).


And in the ANIMA competition 68 movies from 30 countries were rivalising (to selection came as much as 1126 movies), made by both students and already awarded creators. By decision of jury composed of: Georges Schwizgebel (chairman), Andreas Hykade, Anita Killi, Andrzej Klimowski, Nancy Denney-Phelps, winner of competition and Golden Jabberwocky and 15 000 PLN became a movie “Before Love” (dir. Igor Kovalyov) for: “We were taken by the technical perfection of the film’s visuals and sound. Humor permeates jealousy and romance in the smallest detail”.


Photo from the film “Before Love”

Silver Jabberwocky went to the animation „Nočna ptica” / „Nighthawk” (Špela Čadež) for: “This is like a different kind of road movie. The film is well animated and uses a complex multi plan technique. This film deals with an important topic that is often difficult to talk about in an original way”. Bronze Jabberwocky went to „Café froid” / “Cold Coffee” (dir. Stephanie Lansaque, Francois Leroy) for: „To a film that we felt portrayed the descent into insanity in a way that both horrified and mesmeriezed us”. Special Golden Jabberwocky and 2000 PLN for best student animated short movie was presented to “Ciało obce” /“Foreign Body” (dir. Marta Magnuska) for. Honour distinctions went to films: „Tick Tack” by  Ülo Pikkov, „Au revoir, Balthasar” by Rafael Sommerhalder, „Figury niemożliwe i inne historie II” / „Impossible Figures and Other Stories II” by Marta Pajek, „Chez moi” / “My Home” by Mai Nguyen, „Kompozicija” / “Composition” by Mitja Manček.

The Great Underestimated – the Award of the Artistic Director Bogusław Zmudziński in ANIMA get to “Šuma” and “Kut” by Lucija Mrzljak. Students’ jury (Anna Kubinka, Martyna Hołda, Marzena Pitek) awarded “Penelope” by  Heta Jäälinoja, audience gave a joint prize to films: „Chez moi” / “My Home” by Mai Nguyen and „Fears” by Nata Metlukh.

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