
International Film Festival

Krakow 22-27 X 2024

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International Film Festival

Krakow 22-27 X 2024

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International Film Festival

Krakow 22-27 X 2024


Volunteering at the 31st IFF Etiuda&Anima - register

Welcome to the application form page for Volunteers of the 31st IFF Etude&Anima. We are glad that you want to be a part of our festival! The form below is intended, in addition to qualifying you for a specific section, to allow us to get to know you better. We will also ask you to post your photo - we get a lot of applications and try to remember each person. This will also ease our cooperation during the festival.

* - mandatory fields to be completed  

Basic data

If you feel like it give us your preferred pronouns
Name *
Surname *
Place of residence *
Date of birth: *

Contact details

Phone number *
E-mail *
Facebook profile: *
We are asking for a link to your profile, as this will make it easier for us to contact you and add you to this year's Facebook volunteer group.

Additional data

Education: *
Your interests and hobbies *
Your strengths and assets *
Foreign language skills. Determine on a scale of 1-6 (where 1 is not at all and 6 is excellent) how you speak, understand and write. *
- able to understand
- able to speak
- able to write
- able to understand
- able to speak
- able to write
- able to understand
- able to speak
- able to write
Knowledge of languages - Notes / Additional information
I want to become a volunteer because: *
Have you already worked as a volunteer during the Etude&Anima festival? *
Have you worked as a volunteer at other festivals before? *
The section in which you would like to work: *
How do you know about the Etiuda&Anima festival? *
Do you want to do a student internship during the festival? *
Your comments or questions about volunteering:

Your photo

Select your current photo (jpg format only)

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