

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

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Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Verdict Anima 2014

Dodano: November 28, 2014

Results of the ANIMA Competition

21st International Film Festival Etiuda&Anima 2014

November 21st–27th 2014

The Jury composed of:

Gil Alkabetz, Chairman of the Jury

Members of the Jury:

Ivan Bogdanov
Marcin Giżycki
Regina Pessoa
Grzegorz Sztwiertnia

on November 27th 2014, after seeing 74 films, decided to award the following prizes:

The Grand Prix of the Festival – The Golden Jabberwocky and PLN 12,000
Brut, dir. Svetlana Filippova, Russia 2014

Justification: For the adequate use of the graphic means in an important and moving story.

The Silver Jabberwocky

Fuga na wiolonczelę, trąbkę i pejzaż / Fugue for Cello, Trumpet and Landscape, dir. Jerzy Kucia, Poland 2014

Justification: For subtle yet convincing use of images combined with a powerful soundtrack.

The Bronze Jabberwocky
Half Wet, dir. Sophie Koko Gate, Great Britain 2014

Justification: For its highly original and inventive way of approaching the human condition.

The Special Golden Jabberwocky and PLN 2,000 for the Best Animated Student Short Film (prize sponsored by Dardanele studio)
My Milk Cup Cow, dir. Yantong Zhu, Japan 2014

Justification: For its mature use of the film language in describing a personal experience.

Moreover, the Jury decided to award 5 Honourable Mentions to the following films:

Hipopotamy / Hippos, dir. Piotr Dumała, Poland 2014
Virtuoso Virtual, dir. Thomas Stellmach, Maja Oschmann, Germany 2013
Storm Hits Jacket, dir. Paul Cabon, France 2014
The Bigger Picture, dir. Daisy Jacobs, Great Britain 2014
High wool, dir. Nikolai Maderthoner, Moritz Mugler, Germany 2013

The Great (Un)Appreciated
The Award of the Artistic Director of the Festival, Bogusław Zmudziński

1000 Plateaus, dir. Steven Woloshen, Canada, 2014


The Jury composed of:
Iga Lipińska
Katarzyna Kocołowska
Paulina Grondal

decided to award its prize to the film

Nieprawdopodobnie elastyczny człowiek / An Incredibly Elastic Man, dir. Karolina Specht, Poland 2013

Justification: The film touches upon an important and difficult subject of shaping human identity in a remarkable way. We were full of appreciation for its poetic mood, as well as the subtle, delicate visual layer.


Mythopolis, dir. Aleksandra Hetmerová, Czech Republic 2014

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