

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

This Magnificent Cake!

Dodano: October 14, 2023

A film set in colonial Africa in the late 19th century telling the stories of 5 different characters: a troubled king, a middle-aged Pygmy working in a luxury hotel, a failed businessman on an expedition, a lost porter and a young army deserter. Marc James Roels made the award winning shorts Mompelaar in 2007 and A Gentle Creature in 2010. Emma De Swaef specializes in stop-motion and doll-making, her preferred working materials include wool, felt and textile. Together they made the short film Oh Willy in 2012, which won 80 international awards including the Cartoon d’Or for the best European short, and a Cézar nomination. The film also participated in ANIMA competition of Etiuda&Anima Festival in 2012.

This Magnificent Cake! / Ce magnifique gâteau! / Wyśmienite ciasto

Directed by: Marc James Roels, Emma De Swaef
Photos: Marc James Roels
Production: Beast Animation
Country: Belgium
Year: 2018
Running time: 44 min.


25th November (Saturday) - 6:30 PM
Małopolska Garden of Arts - Small Screening Room

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