

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024


The call for volunteers for the 31st edition of the Etiuda&Anima International Film Festival is now open!

Dodano: August 19, 2024



We welcome all people who want to learn about the behind-the-scenes organization of the festival, are passionate about animation and film, or want to get involved in the creation of a cultural event.

We offer a chance to develop and learn about the festival from the inside in many areas! For interested people there are diverse tasks in several sections:

  • Reception desk (very good knowledge of Polish and English required, knowledge of other languages will be an advantage)
  • Organizing the audience / Taking care of the festival facilities (very good knowledge of Polish and English required, knowledge of other languages will be an advantage)
  • Technical support / Production (very good knowledge of Polish and English required, knowledge of other languages will be an advantage)
  • Taking care of guests (very good knowledge of Polish and English required, knowledge of other languages will be an advantage)
  • Workshops team (very good knowledge of Polish and English required, knowledge of other languages will be an advantage)

Participation in volunteering provides a unique opportunity to interact closely with artists from around the world, as well as to get to know the industry better. Not only is it a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the event - every year the team of volunteers is made up of passionate people, committed to culture and inspiring each other! The festival is the birthplace of more than one friendship, and friendships started during the festival last for years. It's a great opportunity to spend time creatively with friends or meet people with similar interests and passions. It is also a space conducive to learning under the guidance of experienced organizers.



  • People who are 18 years of age or older are welcome to volunteer.
  • To volunteer, please fill out the form and then confirm your application by clicking on the activation link sent to the email address provided.
  • The number of places is limited - we will invite selected persons to a recruitment interview. Each person who approves his application will receive feedback on the result of the recruitment.
  • This year's edition of the festival takes place stationary in Krakow, October 22 - 27. To participate as a volunteer, it is necessary to be present on site on the specified date, but we will also need help during the weeks leading up to the event, as well as immediately afterwards. We will establish availability with each person accepted for volunteering on an individual basis.
  • We make it possible to do student internships - the desire to do so, along with the dimension of hours, should be reported in the form.
  • We are waiting for applications until September 22.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us:

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