

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024


Dodano: October 23, 2012

19th International Film Festival Etiuda&Anima 2012
23rd – 29th November, 2012
The Regulations of the Competition of Short Animated Films


Applicants in the competition may use animated films (professional students etudes or independent films). These cannot exceed 30 minutes production dates shall be between year 2010 - 2012, and they shall have been made on 35mm, 16 mm (with optical sound), Betacam SP (magnetic tape), Digital Betacam, Blu-ray this includes other up to date technology.


The Festival Organisation Office shall collect the applications until 17th September, 2012. Prior to that date the applicant is obliged to submit the DVD with the film, the English dialogue list, the application form signed by the authorised person and additional promotional materials, to the Festival Office:

IFF Etiuda &Anima
ul.Oleandry 1, 30-060 Kraków, Poland


The decision to accept the film to the competition shall be made by the Director of the Festival, after conferring with the members of the Selection Commission. The applicant shall be informed about his/her film being qualified for the competition within the period until 22nd October, 2011.


The applicant is obliged to deliver, at his/her own expense, a 35mm, 16mm (with optical sound), Betacam SP (magnetic tape), Digital Betacam, Blu-ray or two DVD copies of the qualified film until 8th of November, 2012. The films sent after the deadline shall be withdrawn from the competition.


The competition films are assessed, primarily applying the artistic criteria, by the international Jury, headed by the Chairman of the Jury, selected by the Director of the Festival from the members of the Jury. The Jury works and makes decisions in accordance with the Jury Proceedings Regulations formulated by the Chairman of the Jury with consent of the other members of the Jury. The person facilitating the Jury proceedings is the Jury Secretary, appointed by the Director of the Festival.


The following Prizes will be awarded at “Anima 2012” competition:

  • Grand Prix – Golden Jabberwocky
  • Silver Jabberwocky
  • Bronze Jabberwocky
  • Special Golden Jabberwocky for the best animated festival’s student’s etude

The Jury also reserves the right to award Honorary Diplomas


The Director of the Festival shall decide about the right and mode of awarding of the off-statutory Awards, the Audience Award and Student Jury Award included. The Director of the Festival also reserves the right do award “The Great Underestimated” Prize to the most undervalued film of the competition.


The official announcement of the verdict shall occur on 29th November, 2012 at the press conference of the Jury of the “Anima 2012” competition. The Awards shall be given to the laureates on the same day at the official closing ceremony of the festival. The Awards not received in person shall be sent by post or handed to the recipient in other way, in the period of one month, beginning from the date of the conclusion of the festival.


The competition films shall be sent back at the expense of the organiser of the event within the period of 8 weeks, beginning from the date of the conclusion of the festival.


The Festival Organisation Office deems itself responsible to conform to any rules concerning handling of the films accepted to the competition


The submission of the film for the Festival competition is equivalent to the agreement for three screenings of the film during the Festival and – if the given film is awarded a prize – screenings at the “Travelling Etiuda&Anima 2012” event, which is organised throughout Poland and abroad and presents the prizewinning films of the Festival.

Kraków, 17th February 2012
Directors of the 19th IFF Etiuda&Anima 2012
Katarzyna Surmacz
Bogusław Zmudziński

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