

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024


Przemysław Adamski

Dodano: September 16, 2024

Born in 1980, he is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. An author of audiovisual works specializing in stop-motion and experimental animation, particularly interested in those areas of creative activity in which video intertwines with other fields of science and art. He develops a significant part of his work together with Katarzyna Kijek.

© Przemysław Adamski

Films, music clips and other short video forms by the Kijek/Adamski duo have been presented at several hundred international festivals and screenings around the world. They have also won several dozen awards (including Le Cristal d'Annecy, D&AD, L.A. Film Fest, Zagreb IAFF, Tirana IFF). The animation Slow Light won the Silver Jabberwocky and the Bronze Żmij award during the 29th IFF Etiuda&Anima, and also received the Polish Filmmakers Association Award in the field of animation for the best author's film of 2022.

He runs the Animation Studio at the Faculty of Graphic Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.

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