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Krakow 22-27 X 2024

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Promotion of a book by Thomas Renoldner

Added: October 22, 2024


GDZIE: Academy of Fine Arts - Lecture Hall 1, plac Jana Matejki 13, 31-157 Kraków
KIEDY: October 25, 2024 (Friday), 1 PM
GOŚĆ: Thomas Renoldner

My primary intention behind this book is to pay homage to the work of Simon Stampfer and to present his invention to an interested public. The introductory material provides an insight into the research at the beginning of the 19th century that paved the way for the invention of the phenakistiscope

Cover of the book Stampfer Dreams

The photo series that follows, which consists of 23 full-page images of the Optical Magic Discs, offers an illustration to support my proposal to assign Stampfer’s “short films” to different film genres. With the augmented reality app from Artivive (Download at Apple App Store or Google Play Store), they can also be viewed in motion. Finally, I offer a brief insight into my short film Stampfer Dreams.

Thomas Renoldner, photo.: Peter Putz

Thomas Renoldner - Since 1976 artistic work in the areas of film, music, installations, performance, etc. Studied education and psychology in Innsbruck. 1980-83 organized productions of experimental theater, film, music at KOMM in Innsbruck. 1983-86 collaborative work with Klaus Reis at the “Galerie im Kino” in Salzburg. Silk-screen printing workshop. Since 1988 studied animated film at the College of Applied Arts in Vienna (Hubert Sielecki). Installation Filmplastik (Film sculpture), collaborative work since 1988. 1989-94 studied in the master class for Experimental Design with Lassnig and Attersee, also at the College of Applied Arts in Vienna. Experimental, animated and fiction films, multi-media work. International committee member of ASIFA, chairman of ASIFA Austria, member of the Austria Filmmakers Cooperative and the artists’ group Pension Export.

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