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International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Notation: Women of Malopolska in animation - Marta Pajek

Dodano: November 05, 2023

The artist was listened to by Katarzyna Surmacz

The aim of the project is to draw attention to female artists studying in the Animated Film Workshop at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. We would like to stress the huge difference between the present-day animation industry and the one from the past century, when men largely dominated. We will show the prominent role of women in the world of animation and the enormous difference in topics and gender proportions since the times of the Polish People’s Republic. Currently these are the most interesting films of a profile unprecedented in Polish animation and film, which could be described as feminist or at least as made from the female point of view. It is mainly women who shape the viewer’s sensitivity to the world. Entirely different topics appear in their films about the nuances of women’s lives and bodies.

In 2022, we recorded one notation from this series, the heroine of which is Wiola Sowa. The notation was very warmly received by the audience of the 29th Etiuda&Anima International Film Festival.

We invited young Polish animation artists from Krakow to participate in the next two notations from this series Marta Pajek and Ewa Borysewicz.


24th November (Friday) - 3 PM
Małopolska Garden of Arts - Small Screening Room

Marta Pajek

A director of animated films, drawer. Graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow.

She was born in 1982 in Kielce. At the Academy of Fine Arts she specialized in animated film under the supervision of Professor Jerzy Kucia. As part of her scholarship, she had her internship at the Turku Arts Academy in Finland under the supervision of an outstanding Estonian artist Priit Pärn. Her directorial output includes the following animations: After Apples (Po Jabłkach, 2004), Behind the Wall (Za ścianą, 2005) as well as the award-winning Sleepincord (Snępowina, 2011). One of the parts of her triptych Impossible Figures and Other Stories II (Figury niemożliwe i inne historie II) had its debut in Cannes in 2018 with instantaneous success, won critical acclaim and received more than 20 awards, including Grand Prix at the International Festival of Animated Film in Stuttgart and at the GLAS Animation Festival. The latest Marta`s film Impossible Figures and Other Stories I (Figury niemożliwe i inne historie I, 2021), the first and at the same time last part of the trilogy, is a co-production of Animoon and the National Film Board of Canada.

Marta`s style is shaped by her interest in art, dance, psychology, spirituality, and human experiences. Her films take the form of open works, in which the director leaves the viewer ample room for interpretation. Through its sensuality, the language of her films evokes viewers` emotions and at the same time forces them to search for their own meaning, content and worlds.

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