

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024


Musical rebellion

Dodano: November 25, 2016

We invite you to the extraordinary concert of the REBEL BABEL project. L.U.C., Bisz and Representative Orchestra of AGH UST will appear on 23. IFF Etiuda&Anima stage. It will get loud!

REBEL BABEL is a set of concerts, performances and flash mobs, that use music to carry positive vibes to the audience, upgrade traditions and reach out to people who are not allowed to participate in all areas of culture. The artists will try to mix European hip-hop and funk culture with sound of local brass bands making good use of differences between various languages.


L.U.C. alias Łukasz Rostkowski – composer, lyrics writer, vocalist, performer, gas fitter, Master of Law and director of music videos and concerts. After seven years of law studies he got to legal apprenticeship. Unfortunately, the day he was going to make a pledge he happened to be already engaged to meet Zgas – his friend, beatboxer. To pay tribute to sweatsuit and to keep his word, he never started the apprenticeship. Since that day he completely devoted to his greatest passion – art. His courage and consistence in his work, his eclecticism and unconventional ideas of film, music and lyrics leaded him to winning many awards and nominations in some of the most important contests (like Paszport Polityki, Yach, Mateusze Trójki, Warto, Wrocławska Nagroda Muzyczna, Ale Sztuka!, Gwarancje TVP Kultury, Fryderyki). His artistic output includes ten albums, five of which are conceptual ones, composed music for many spectacles and short videos. His music stands somewhere between nu jazz, trip-hop, hip-hop, electro, classics and movie themes. He occurred to compose and record with many outstanding vocalists and instrumentalists like Urszula Dudziak, Zbigniew Namysłowski, Michał Urbaniak, Leszek Możdżer and Maria Peszek. He also played as a support before Tricky, The Prodigy, Skunk Anansie.

Bisz, or Jarosław Jaruszewski, was born in 1984 in Bydgoszcz. He is a rapper, music producer and poet. He has been on stage since 1999. He is a solo artist, but also a member of a hip-hop band B.O.K., with which he has recorded three albums; the last one, “W stronę zmiany”, has been his first CD available to general public. He launched minialbums: “Zimy” (2007), which won him popularity in his environment, then “Idąc na żywioł” (2009) and “Burza i napór” (2010). In 2012 his debut solo album “Wilk chodnikowy” was released and became one of the best CDs of the year in numerous charts and was sold in more than 150,000 copies, thus winning the title of a gold record. In October 2016 another album by Bisz, “Wilczy humor”, was released and was enthusiastically received by the critics. As a guest performer, Bisz has recorded with such rappers as W.E.N.A., Miuosh, Kajman, Medium, Vienio, Cira and Buka. He has performed duets with such music producers as Kosa, Pekro and Radex. He received the title of the Citizen of Bydgoszcz in 2012.

Representational Orchestra of AGH exists since 2001. It was founded as a part of AGH Students and Graduates Foundation “ACADEMICA” under the auspice of vice-rector for education. In the beginning it included only several members. Now there is 45 of them. Orchestra associates students from various Cracow colleges, and above all from AGH. The band plays many kinds of music – mostly light music and movie themes. Orchestra also happened to play with other music bands (like Pogodno) and cabarets (like Dno). ORAGH plays also cyclical concerts in music clubs and participates in cultural events in Cracow (Noc Naukowców, Dni Nauki, Mediatory and others).

Concert under the patronage of the Rector of the AGH University of Science and Technology

26th November (Saturday), 9:00 PM
Kijów Centrum – Large Hall

Click here for information about tickets:

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