

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Killing Auntie

Dodano: October 05, 2023

Jurek, who is twenty three, lives with his aunt who does her best to provide the boy with everything he may need. Tired by the stability and security of life under constant care, he decides to change his fate. To quiet down his aunt’s incessant jabbering he reaches for a hammer. The film, based on the unfinished novel ‘Killing Auntie’ by Andrzej Bursa, is a story about the need of deliverance, full of unobtrusive absurd and black humour.

Killing Auntie / Zabicie ciotki

Directed by: Mateusz Głowacki
Writing Credits: Mateusz Głowacki
Cast: Marek Kossakowski, Ewa Kolasińska, Aleksandra Pisula, Maciej Ferlak
Production: Szkoła Filmowa
im. Krzysztofa Kieślowskiego
Country: Poland
Year: 2013
Running Time: 30 min.
Etiuda&Anima Award: Silver Dinozaur 2014


23rd November(Thursday) - 3 PM
Małopolska Garden of Arts - Large Screening Room

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