

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Jury of Etiuda competition

Dodano: November 03, 2012

Janusz Majewski (President of the Jury) - born in 1931 in Lviv, film director and screenwriter, author of plays, pedagogue. He graduated from Krakow University of Technology (1955), where he studied architecture, and then from Cinematography Department at the Film School (PWSFTViT) in Łódź, where he later worked for over twenty years. He taught many acclaimed artists, e.g. Feliks Falk, Andrzej Barański, Juliusz Machulski and Filip Bajon. He also lectured in the United States. He started his career in film as a stage designer. He made his debut with a documentary Zabawa/Game in 1958, and within the next years he made several short films awarded all over the world (e.g. Album Fleischera/Fleischer’s Album at the San Francisco festival, Pojedynek/The Duel at festivals in Vancouver, Montreal and Edinburgh). Ever since his debut in feature film in 1967 (Sublokator/The Lodger), he directed over 30 films, achieving the greatest success with: Czarna suknia/The Black Dress (1967), Zaklęte rewiry/Hotel Pacific (1975), Sprawa Gorgonowej/The Gorgon Case (1977), Lekcja martwego języka/Lesson of a Dead Language (1979), C.K. Dezerterzy/H.M. Deserters (1985), Złoto dezerterów/Deserter’s Gold (1998) and Po sezonie/After the Season (2005). He also worked on theatre plays, series and films for television. He wrote several books, including Mała matura/Little Baccalaureate - book of 2011 according to ‘Magazyn Literacki Książki’ magazine. On the basis of its fragments, in 2010 Majewski made a partly autobiographical film Mała matura 1947/ Little Baccalaureate of 1947. From 1983 to 1990 he was the President of the Polish Filmmakers Association, and he has been its Honorary President since 2006. From 1987 to 1991 he was a member of the Cinematography Committee. In 2001 he was awarded the Commander's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, and ten years later he unveiled his star on Łódź Walk of Fame. He also received the Polish Film Award ‘Eagle’ for his life achievement (2012).

Łukasz Borowski - a lawyer, graduate of the Film School (PWSFTViT) in Łódź and documentary film course at Wajda School. He makes documentaries; he is a screenwriter, director and camera operator (Nogami w górę, głową w dół/Legs Up, Head Down – 2009). His short film 3 dni wolności/3 Days of Freedom won him awards at the most important international and Polish festivals, e.g. Visions du Réel, Message To Man, festivals in Batumi and Huesce, and at IFF New Horizons in Wrocław. Last year he was awarded the Golden Dinosaur in the ETIUDA competition of IFF Etiuda&Anima. Currently, he works on his next film.

Carlo di Carlo - born in 1938 in Bologna, a critic, film historian, director, but first and foremost – a distinguished expert on work of Michelangelo Antonioni, his friend of many years. He made a documentary about the famous Italian director - Antonioni su Antonioni/Antonioni on Antonioni - which was shown at the Venice Film Festival together with Lo sguardo di Michelangelo/Michelangelo Eye to Eye - the last documentary of the director, who died in 2007. Carlo di Carlo started as a creator of dozens of short films and assistant of Pier Paolo Pasolini in 1960s. He debuted in 1978 with a feature film Per questa notte/This is the Night. For many years he cooperated with RAI and German ZDF. He was chief editor of ‘Film selezione’ magazine. He wrote awarded books about the cinema as well essays, e.g. about Antonioni whom he first met in 1964. He assisted him on the set of such films as e.g. Blowup (1967), Zabriskie Point (1970) and Professione: Reporter/The Passenger (1974). In the years 1988-1993 he supervised the Antonioni Project, under which, among other things, retrospectives of the director’s film were organized at various international festivals. In March 2012 he visited Krakow to attend 15th FILM CLASSIC Festival dedicated to Antonioni’s works.

Samira Makhmalbaf - born in 1980 in Tehran, Iranian director and screenwriter, daughter of Mohsen Makhmalbaf - a master of Iranian cinema, who in 2008, at the 15th IFF Etiuda&Anima, was awarded the Special Golden Dinosaur Award for an outstanding artist and pedagogue. She spent her childhood on her father’s film sets; she studied at Makhmalbaf Film House; and at the age of 18 she debuted with Sib/The Apple (1998), shown at over 100 international festivals, including Cannes. She was the youngest director in this festival's history. In Cannes, she showed almost all her films: Takhté siah/Blackboards (2000) on the subject of refugees and Panj é asr/At Five in the Afternoon (2003), the first feature film made in Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban regime, which won her Special Jury Prizes at the Cannes Film Festival. Her last project, Asbe du-pa/Two-Legged Horse (2008), was also made in Afghanistan. Samira Makhmalbaf is one of the most prominent directors of the Iranian New Wave, and in 2004 The Guardian selected her to be one of 40 best directors of the world. She was a juror e.g. in Cannes, Venice, Berlin and Locarno.

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