

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Janusz Korosadowicz's Top 10

Dodano: November 17, 2017

Screening of ten movies choosen by authority according to theme key is the stable point of Etiuda & Anima festival programme. This year Janusz Korosadowicz, creator and head Poland's Independent Animated Movies Festival OFAFA, will show ten movies from animations awarded during 20th edition of the festival.

Picture from the film „Tunning the Instruments” (2000), dir. Jerzy Kucia


The origins of the OFAFA (seated in Krakow at the “Wrzos” cinema), an annual review of Polish animated film, whose jubilee and the last, so far 20th edition took place in 2015, date back to 1993. The competition was open for films by professional artists, etudes by students from film and art schools, as well as amateur productions. The jury were awarding the following prizes: the Golden, Silver and Bronze Lines for the best professional films as well as the Special Award and Main Awards for student and amateur films. The Audience Award was also granted.

The festival’s mission was to promote Polish animated film: the output of Polish artists and animation studios as well as art and film schools. During the festival, the achievements of Polish original animated film from the past year were compared, and the historical achievements of Polish and world animation were presented. The OFAFA festival used to provide a summary of the then present artistic condition of Polish animated film, allowed the audience to follow new trends and film as well as artistic and technical forms. OFAFA also played popularizing and pedagogic functions; it created opportunities to present animated film to mass audience, mainly to young people.

The Krakow audience witnessed the birth of new Polish animation talents, amateurs were becoming gifted students, students, noticed by producers, were starting their professional careers, and renowned artists shared their knowledge with young adults and children during workshops. Throughout the decades, the All-Poland Original Animated Film Festival was the most important (in the competition part) event devoted to Polish animated film in our country.


Here are 10 films selected by Janusz Korosadowicz from among the animations awarded during 20 editions of All-Poland Original Animated Film Festival OFAFA:


- „All This Dough” (1995), dir. Tomasz Głuc

- „Barber” (1997), dir. Robert Sowa

- „Man and Bread” (1997), dir. Ryszard Czekała

- „Pictures From Fairy Tales” (1998), dir. Marek Skrobecki

- „Tunning the Instruments” (2000), dir. Jerzy Kucia

- „Ot the Quarrel Of All Quarrels” (1999), dir. Zbigniew Kotecki

- „Refrains” (2007), dir. Wiola Sowa

- „Witness 1919-2004” (2008), dir. Krzysztof Kiwerski

- The Lost Town Of Świteź” (2010), dir. Kamil Polak

- „The Rolling Stones” (2013), dir. Krzysztof Kiwerski



10/20/70 or 10 films selected by Janusz Korosadowicz
from among the animations awarded during 20
editions of All-Poland Original Animated Film
Festival (OFAFA) in years 1993 – 2015

26th November (Sunday), 02.00 pm.
Kijów Centrum –  Large Screening Room



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