

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024


Janusz Korosadowicz's ten

Dodano: November 25, 2017

On the last day of the 24. IFF Etiuda&Anima Janusz Korosadowicz – founder and president of Polish Amateur Animated Film Festival (OFAFA) – is going to present outstanding pieces, that were awarded by the jury of the Festival over the previous 20 years.


Still from animation "The Lost Town of Świteź", dir.: Kamil Polak


By coming to the screening this Sunday at 2:00PM in the Large Screening Room of Kijów. Centrum every watcher should consider the risk of being shot… with questions. Ten selected movies are not a coincidence. Each one of them makes us stop and think, asks questions that are hard to ignore. – What is the point of having money? – Who am I at this moment? – What is freedom? – Where is the line between reality and fiction in my life? – Is it possible to get back things that are already gone? – What does „best solution” mean? – What is the proportion of other people and my own personality in me? – Is it possible to be a plain scarecrow in Poland? – Why does an evil have to exist? – What do I need the „golden castles” for?

Ten movies – All This Dough (dir. Tomasz Głuc, 1995), Barber (dir. Robert Sowa, 1997), Man and Bread (dir. Ryszard Czekała, 1997), Fairy Tale Images (dir. Marek Skrobecki, 1998), Tuning the Instruments (dir. Jerzy Kucia, 2000), Of the Quarrel of All Quarrels (dir. Zbigniew Kotecki, 1999), Refrains (dir. Wiola Sowa, 2007), Witness 1919-2004 (dir. Krzysztof Kiwerski, 2008), The Lost Town of Świteź (dir. Kamil Polak, 2010), The Rolling Stones (dir. Krzysztof Kiwerski, 2013) – ten questions which the viewers are going to face. The arches you get depends on what kind of target you are.


Patrycja Skoczylas

Tłumaczenie: Angelika Harat


10/20/70 or 10 films selected by Janusz Korosadowicz from among the animations awarded during 20 editions of All-Poland Original Animated Film Festival (OFAFA) in years 1993 – 2015
26th November (Sunday), 02.00 pm.
Kijów Centrum –  Large Screening Room




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