

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Georges Méliès and others

Dodano: November 17, 2017

Screenings of silent films with live accompaniment are already the tradition of our festival. In this edition for films of the cinema pioneer Georges Méliès and two anonymous films from that period, all of them from the collections of Národni Filmový Archiv in Prague, will play guitarist Kuba Duda.


Georges Méliès


We propose films of Georges Méliès from the collection of Narodni Filmovy Archiv, as a part of wide production of the great film innovator. From the films straightly inspired by his former illusionnist career to subtle and then new optical tricks, the films attest of the genius of invention and imagination of the filmmaker.

Jeanne Pommeau



Kuba Duda is a young guitarist and the author of instrumental music, which leaves a space for your thoughts and imaginations to flow freely. His cloudy noir style of playing reminds masters of improvised solo guitar like Marc Ribot.


Georges Mélies and others
from the archive of Národni
Filmový Archiv in Prague

24th November (Friday), 10.30 pm.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room



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