

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Feel New Energy of the Cinema

Dodano: October 23, 2015


New energy of film 

International Film Festival Etiuda&Anima will take place in Krakow on 23-28 October 2015. "We will show you everything. Brave documents, captivating animations, impressing stories. Great short films”- organizers promise.

Etiuda&Anima is the oldest and the biggest polish festival of student creativity and animated works. It shows etudes of young rebellious artists, animations of the greatest visionaries, documents truer than life.

The main pillars of the event are two international competitions: ETIUDA for the best short student flm and ANIMA for the best animated short film, student or professional. Besides competitions Etiuda&Anima presents a constant series of events: live animation, classics of European animation, central Europe found footage, feature  animations, animated and documentary workshops.

During the "animators self-portraits" some of our guests will present  the secrets  of their technique and creative process, among others: Quay brothers, the most prominent surrealists of modern cinema, and Signe Baumane - Latvian, one of the most famous representatives of women's creation in animation in the world. Also William Kentridge  will be our guest this year. He's a south African experimenter of Jewish roots, who in his animations focuses on the form of self - portrait and a palimpsest. Like every year we will show you a borderland between the world of advertising and film: Roy Andersson will encourage us to buying, the pre-war ads, which were made for Bata Company (Mariusz Szczygiel wrote about this phenomenon in his essays called "Gottland") will show us the power of the commercial propaganda.

Animation program promises to be very interesting. Before the official opening, MMF Etiuda&Anima we would like to invite you for "Eroticism in animation", in which will be shown the most lewd and sexually appealing short films of last few years. And on the same time the public will be able to compare animators artistic temperaments from Colombia and Sweden. Just like every year Etiuda&Anima will be the only occasion to see the feature-lenght animations from all around the world: "Little from the Fish Shop" (directed by Jan Balej), "Houdini" (reż. Cédric Babouche ), "Giovanni’s Island" (Mizuho Nishikubo).

Otherwise we will see five short movies- the best of french New Wave, which have been selected by Tadeusz Lubelski, making of the best polish movies of recent years, the most original etudes of Dutch Film School (winner od Special Golden Dinosaur for The Best Film School 2014). Animation workshops in 3D technology will be prepared by Platige Image studio and Autodesk  (the official representative of software).

One of the first MFF Etiuda&Anima winners was Marcin Wrona, who passed away this year. "Magnet Man" (school etude, 2001) and his latest movie "Demon" will be shown during the evening dedicated to his memory.

Etiuda&Anima is one of the most refreshing and energizing festivals in Poland. "Then need to share the fascinating discoveries from areas of cinema, that were maginalized, lay at the root two decades ago, of the creation of the Etiuda&Anima Festival. And this selfless motivation is still valid."- Bogusław Zmudziński, artistic director and  initiator of the festival.

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