

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024


ETIUDA Competition – Sink into cinema!

Dodano: October 22, 2016

Films that are taking part in this year's Etiuda Competition present a panorama of themes which are of particular interest to the young filmmakers. They tell stories about universal human experience and reflect on contemporary global issues, showing not only great hearts of their creators, but also revealing their sensitivity and empathy.

Photo from the film „Piter Patter Goes My Heart”

From Wednesday (November 23) till Saturday (November 26), viewers will be able to experience a whole range of cinematic emotions at the screenings of the competition entries in Małopolska Garden of Arts. 40 student films from all over the world will compete for the main prize – the Golden Dinosaur and 2500 euro. Film school that submitted at least three films for the competition will also be awarded.

On the screen, we will see the characters embracing Eros and Thanatos (“Opposite of Orange”),  experiencing a sensual love regardless of age (“Eva”, “Riphsime and Shota”) or putting their feelings to the test (“Die Stille”). We will find out if it is possible to find the way to our loved one's heart through the... varicose veins (“Piter Patter Goes My Heart”). We will also confront some eschatological issues (“De Profundis”), ardent faith (“Promised Daughter”) and a secret (“Clara’s Rage”). Finally, we will embark on an Antonioni-style film journey, together with the characers of the intriguing “Cross-Country Ride”.

The young adepts of film art eagerly turn their cameras at their peers. They show their struggle in a tough job market (“Freelance”), frequent housing problems (“Tenants”) and even – in a playful way – their attemps to cut the cord (“Nabelshnur”) and create a serious relationship (“Clean Sex”). They also look into the process of growing up, like in a lyrical documentary “Urban Cowboys” or in a teenager's tale “Dummy”.

With an equal zeal, filmmakers engage in the political situation in the world and comment on the current reality through their films. They shed light on the immigration problem in Europe (“Boat People”, “Samira”) and the ups and downs of emmigration (“Maman and the Ocean”, “Travelling On One Leg”, “Sightseeing”). They show war-affected areas (“Shujayya”) as well as ethnical and ideological conflicts (“Star David”). Thanks to them, we will be able to watch the documentaries featuring, among others, members of Indian opposition Kabir Kala Manch (“Forbidden Notes”) and Czesław Kiszczak (“Say It Again, Grandad”).

Photo from the film „Say It Again, Grandad”

Screenings of the competing student short films give us the chance to explore the new film trends, innovative ideas and fresh cinematic techniques. It is a unique opportunity to see the first works of the most talented young filmmakers from all over the world, whose great adventure with a “big cinema” is just about to start.

The students etudes will compete for the Golden, Silver and Bronze Dinosaur. The verdict will be announced on Saturday, November 26. Schools competing for the title of the Best Film School of the Festival are: Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica from Mexici, Deutsche Film und Fernsehakademie from Berlin, Hamburg Media School, The Film School in Łodz and The Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgia State University.


I SCREENING ETIUDA: 23 November (Wednesday), 15:00,  Małopolska Garden of Arts (MOS), Main Room
II SCREENING ETIUDA: 24 November (Thursday), 17:00, Małopolska Garden of Arts (MOS), Main Room
III SCREENING ETIUDA: 24 November (Thursday), 21:00, Małopolska Garden of Arts (MOS), Main Room
IV SCREENING ETIUDA: 25 November (Friday), 17:15, Małopolska Garden of Arts (MOS), Main Room
V SCREENING ETIUDA: 25 November (Friday), 19:00, Małopolska Garden of Arts (MOS), Main Room
VI SCREENING ETIUDA: 26 November (Saturday), 14:00, Małopolska Garden of Arts (MOS), Main Room
VII SCREENING ETIUDA: 26 November (Saturday), 16:00, Małopolska Garden of Arts (MOS), Main Room

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