

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024


Dodano: October 07, 2013


Daniel Szczechura – head of the Jury, Tomasz Dettloff, Maria Oleksiewicz, Grażyna Stachówna


Grand Prix – Golden Dinosaur

„V tichu pokoje” / „Quiet in the Room”, dir. Andrej Žumbergar, FAMU - Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts, Prague (Czech Republic)

Silver Dinosaur

„Octane 96”, dir. Oded Davidoff, Jerusalem Film and Television School (Israel)

Bronze Dinosaur

„Stupajkop 1”, dir. Andrzej Zaręba, Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków (Poland)

Honourable Mention

„Jezevec nosi pochybnosti” / „The Badger Makes You Doubt”, dir. Jasmina Bralić, FAMU, Praga (Czech Republic)

Annotation: Jury particularly appreciated films from FAMU for their outstanding variety of subjects and creative individuals.

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