

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

ETIUDA Competition

Dodano: July 23, 2013


Mohsen Makhmalbaf – head of the Jury, Andrzej Kołodyński, Wojciech Szumowski, János Xantus


Grand Prix – Golden Dinosaur

„Mein Vater schlaft”/ "My Father is Sleeping”, dir. Grzegorz Muskala, DFFB, Berlin (Germany)

Silver Dinosaur

„Un Chateau en Mer”/„A Castle in the Sea”, dir. Bärbel Pfänder, Le Fresnoy – Studio National Arts Contemporains, Tourcoing (France)

Bronze Dinosaur (ex aequo)

„Klepet s Piko”/„A Chat with Pika”, dir. Jernej Kastelec, University of Ljubljana AGRFT (Slovenia)

„Henio, idziemy na Widzew”/„Football Father”, dir. Michał Jóźwiak, Wajda School, Warsaw (Poland)

Special Golden Dinosaur Award for the best film school of the festival

The Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź – PWSFTviT (Poland)

Honourable Mentions

„Agape”, dir. Slobodan Maksimović, University of Ljublijana AGRFT (Slovenia)

„III. Emelet 14"/„Third floor fourteen”, dir. Papp Barnabás, NOVUS (Hungary)

 The Great (Un)Appreciated – the Award of the Art Director of the IFF Bogusław Zmudziński

„A Morte de Tchaikovsky”/„The Death of Tchaikovsky”, dir. Nuno Fèlix, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades (Portugal)

Student Jury Award

„Henio, idziemy na Widzew”/„Football Father”, dir. Michał Jóźwiak, Wajda School, Warsaw (Poland)

DON KICHOT Award – Jury of FICC (International Federation of Film Societies)

„PRL de Luxe”, dir. Edyta Wróblewska, Wajda School, Warsaw (Poland)

FICC’s Honourable Mentions

„Połowa mnie”/„Half Me”, dir. Justyna Tafel, PWSFTviT, Łódź (Poland)

„Felgarz z Woli”/„The Lord of the Rims”, dir. Jakub Maciejko, Wajda School, Warsaw (Poland)

Audience Award

„PRL de Luxe”, dir. Edyta Wróblewska, Wajda School, Warsaw (Poland)

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