

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024


Competitions at half – way point

Dodano: November 24, 2016

We are at half – way point of cometitions ETIUDA i ANIMA. Four ETIUDA and two ANIMA screenings awaits us. Who will be choosen by jury, who will win favor of critics, who will get  attetion of students and who will take over hearts of festival’s audience. Rivalization is still on.

In competition ETIUDA before us: „The Tenants” by Klara Kochańska-Bajon, winner of students Oscar, story of full-filled dream which turns in a nightmare; „Tuta” by Sandro Souladze, taking palce in beautiful scenery of Georgia; „Maman and the Ocean” by David Wagner about Turkish immigrants in Hamburg and …. shopping bag; „Travelling on One Leg” Alexandru Petru Bădeliţă – intimate portreit of unhappy love of Romanian to German; „Boat People” by Paul Meschùh, which is modern variation on „Knife in water” by Roman Polański, „Neighbours” by Gabriel Khotivari about women of Tbilisi; „Kis” by Svetlana Bolycheva about friendship between Orthodox priest and white cat; „Poland, My Beloved” by Łukasz Perkowski about difficult love for homeland; „Say It Again, Granpa”, Izabela Kiszczak tries to hear her grandfather, Czesław.


Photo from the film „Maman and the Ocean”

In ANIMA competition before use animations of masters: „The Five Minutes Museum” by Paul Bush about how to sightsee 400 rooms in Petersburg’s Ermitage at lightning speed; „Blind Vaysha” by Theodore Ushev about a girl who sees past with one eye and future with other eye; „Waiting for the New Year” by Vladimir Leschiov about dreams of street cleaner. We will see also animiations of Polish artists: „XOXO – Kisses and Hugs” by Wiola Sowa about sensual fascination and seduction; „Impossible Figures and Other Stories II” by Marta Pajek about discovering impossible figure by women. We also recommend unconventional movies: „Merlot” by Giulia Martinelli and Marta Gennari, variation on Little Red Riding Hood inspired by nottle of red wine and „Au Revoir Balthasar” by Rafael Sommerhalder about freaks from boards.


Photo from the film „The Five Minutes Museum”


IV ETIUDA SCREENING: November 25th (Friday), 5.15 PM

V ETIUDA SCREENING: November 25th (Friday), 7.00 PM

VI ETIUDA SCREENING: November 26th (Saturday), 2.00 pm

VII ETIUDA SCREENING: November 26th (Saturday), 4.00 pm

Małopolski Ogród Sztuki – Large Room


V ANIMA SCREENING: November 25th (Friday), 3:00 pm

VI ANIMA SCREENING: November 25th (Friday), 9.00 pm

Małopolski Ogród Sztuki – Large Room

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