

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024


Before ETIUDA&ANIMA: Freaks in animation

Dodano: November 12, 2016

Before 23rd Etiuda&Anima International Film Festival starts, get ready to see the most curious characters from the latest short animation films.


Photo from the film „Au revoir Balthazar”

Curiosities, freaks, phenomena, originals, big and little monsters and other oddities in their natural environment - animation.


Photo from the film „The Walker”

Line-up contains selection of the animated shorts from ANIMA competition at 23. Etiuda&Anima Film Festival:

„Foreign Body”, dir. Marta Magnuska, Poland
„Afternoon Class”, dir. Oh Seoro, Korea
„Cachorro Loko”, dir. Igor Shin Moromisato, Germany
„Au revoir Balthazar”, dir. Rafael Sommerhalder, Switzerland
„Animal Farm”, dir. Choi Nara, Korea
„The Walker”, dir. Thibault Chollet, France

Total screening time: aprox. 90 minutes
Films in original version with Polish and English subs

„Freaks in Animation” // before Etiuda&Anima
18th November (Friday), 7 PM
FORUM Przestrzenie, Marii Konopnickiej 28 Street, Cracow

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