

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

ETIUDA Competition

Dodano: July 23, 2013


Filip Bajon – head of the Jury, Andrzej Goleniewski, Ágnes Kocsis, Grzegorz Muskała, Jerzy Ridan


Grand Prix – Golden Dinosaur

„Posrednikat”/„The Go-Between”, dir. Dragomir Sholev, NATFA, Sofia (Bulgaria)

Silver Dinosaur

„Pokoj”/ „The Room”, dir. Vit Zapletal, FAMU, Prague (Czech Republic)

Bronze Dinosaur

„Arsy-Versy”, dir. Miro Remo, VŠMU, Bratysława (Slovakia)

Special Golden Dinosaur Award for the best film school of the festival

Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica (CCC), Mexico City (Mexico)

Honourable Mentions

„Schönzeit”/„Closed Season”, reż./dir. Irene Ledermann, Zȕrcher Hochschule der Kȕnste, Fachrichtung Film (Switzerland)

„Goleshovo”, dir. Illian Metev, NFTS, Beaconsfield (UK)

„Marea”/„Tide”, reż. Hatuey Viveros, CCC, Mexico City (Mexico)

The Great (Un)Appreciated – the Award of the Art Director of the IFF Bogusław Zmudzinski

„Matka”/„Mother”, dir. Jakub Piątek, Wajda School, Warsaw

Student Jury Award

“Goleshovo”, dir. Illian Metev, NFTS, Beaconsfield (UK)

DON KICHOTA Award – Jury of FICC (International Federation of Film Societies)

„Schönzeit”/„Closed Season”,dir. Irene Ledermann, Zȕrcher, Hochschule der Kȕnste, Fachrichtung Film (Switzerland)

Audience Award

„Babcia wyjeżdża”/„Grandma Has Gone”, dir. Tomasz Jurkiewicz, Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland)

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