

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

ETIUDA Competition

Dodano: October 02, 2013


Jerzy Stuhr – head of the Jury, Aleksandra Myszak, Maria Nicolescu, Leszek Dawid, Adam Garbicz


Grand Prix – Golden Dinosaur

„A Touch of Sadness”, dir. Nicola Mills, NFTS, Beaconsfield (UK)

Srebrny Dinozaur / Silver Dinosaur

„The Miracle”, dir. Evgeny Ruman, Tel Aviv University (Israel)

Bronze Dinosaur

„Wszystko się ułoży”/„Everything Will Be Fine”, dir. Jakub Stożek, Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland)

Special Golden Dinosaur Award for the best European film school of the festival

Hamburg Madia School (Germany)

Honourable Mentions

„Il Polvere”/„Dust”, dir. Caterina Carone, ZELIG, Bolzano (Italy)

„Malcziszki”/„The Youngsters”, dir. Aleksander Gabrilian, WGIK, Moscow (Russia)

„Quick View”, dir. Matjaž Ivanišin, University of Ljubljana AGRFT (Slovenia)

Special award for Bjørn Stale Bratberga for cinematography for the film

„A Touch of Sadness”, dir. Nicola Mills, NFTS, Beaconsfield (UK)

The Great (Un)Appreciated the Award of the Art Director of the IFF Bogusław Zmudziński

„Pretul Inocentei”/ "The Price of Innocence”, dir. Geanina Grigoraş, UNATC, Bucharest (Romania)

Student Jury Award

„Miasto ucieczki”/„The Refuge City”, /dir. Wojciech Kasperski, PWSFTviT, Łódź (Poland)

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