

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024


We are starting the pre-sale of passes for the 29th IFF Etiuda&Anima

Dodano: October 15, 2022

The pre-sale of passes for the 29th Etiuda&Anima International Film Festival, which will start on Tuesday, November 29 and will last until Sunday, December 4, 2022, is already starting today. This year's edition is a long-awaited return to the event in the traditional stationary version. The heart of the festival - as in previous years - will be the Małopolska Garden of Arts in Krakow.

The program of the 29th edition offers lovers of short film forms a multitude of attractions: film screenings (including competitions: ETIUDA, ANIMA and ANIMA.PL, animation show by Signe Baumane, Koji Yamamura, Atsushi Wady, Norman McLaren or Borivoj Dovniković Bordo), meetings with authors and curators (e.g. Joanna Quinn, Tomasz Wolski, Mariusz Wilczyński, Atsushi Wada, Robert Sowa, Andrea Martignoni) and accompanying events (exhibitions, VR, book promotions, workshops, masterclass).

We also do not forget about the VOD version. All ANIMA, ETIUDA and ANIMA.PL Competition Videos will also be available ONLINE. We have prepared a special VOD pass for these attractions.

Tickets available on the Bilety24 portal:

Information about tickets and tickets can be found on our website:

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