

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Gala zamknięcia
Gala zamknięcia

Closing gala

Dodano: November 25, 2017

24th edition of the International Film Festival Etiuda&Anima is coming to an end. We invite you for the festival’s Closing Gala that will be followed by an award ceremony and screenings of the winning films.


The last day of the Etiuda&Anima festival will end with an exciting evening. It will start at 8 p.m. in Kijów Centrum with the grand Closing Gala, during which the winners of the ETIUDA Competition, ANIMA Competition and our first ANIMA.PL Competition will be announced. During this year’s edition of the festival, 32 films from all over the world entered the competition for the Golden, Silver and Brown Dinosaur (ETIUDA) and as many as 69 filmmakers competed for the Golden, Silver and Brown Jabberwocky (ANIMA). 43 Polish animated films qualified for ANIMA.PL competition for the Golden, Silver and Brown Żmij. In addition, the best film school will be awarded with the Special Golden Dinosaur and the best animated student etude will receive the Special Golden Jabberwocky. Apart from the prestigious diplomas, the winners will be also granted financial prizes. The artistic director of the festival, Bogusław Zmudziński, will give a personal award – the Great (Under)Estimated – for a film of his choice. Selected films will also receive the Audience Award and the Student Jury Award.


The awarded films will be screened during the Gala after the award ceremony.

A pool of tickets for the Closing Gala is also available to the viewers.

You are more than welcome to attend!


Tłumaczenie: Kinga Ostapińska



Closing of the Festival
Presentation of the awards and screening of awarded films
26th  November (Sunday), 08.00 pm.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room




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