

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Feature animated films

Dodano: November 24, 2017

We invite you to Kijów Centrum for Saturday's screenings of full - time animations from last season: „Ethel & Ernest”, „Loving Vincent”, „Revengeance”.


„Ethel & Ernest”

Ethel & Ernest

A film based on a well-known book for children by British author and illustrator Raymond Briggs. Roger Mainwood, one of the top animators of Great Britain, made a hand-drawn animated film which succeeds in recreating the spirit of the story and illustrations by Briggs, both in terms of their colours and structure. “Ethel and Ernest” tells the humorous and heart-warming story of Briggs’ own parents – a milkman Ernest and a lady’s maid Ethel, two ordinary Londoners living in a highly stratified society. The film follows their lives from their first chance meeting in 1928, through the birth of their son in the beginnig of 1930s, to their deaths, within months of each other, in 1971. It also depicts, through Ethel and Ernest’s eyes, all the most defining moments of the first half of the 20th century: the Great Depression, World War II, post war austerity, cultural enlightenment of the 1960s and landing on the Moon. The couple shared 40 years of love, common life and tea drinking. Mainwood’s animation is a tribute to ordinary people in extraordinary times. The author gained his experience at London Animation Studio TVC where he worked on numerously awarded animated films: “The Snowman” (based on Brigg’s story, too), “Father Christmas” and “When the Wind Blows”. His animation for children titled Meg and Mog was nominated for BAFTA Children’s Awards. When working on Ethel and Ernest, he was joined by the international team of talents including such widely acknowledged actors who dubbed the film’s main title characters as Oscar winner Jim Broadbent and Brenda Blethyn.


Ethel & Ernest
Director: Roger Mainwood, Great Britain 2016, animation, 94 min.


25th November (Saturday), 01.00 pm.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room



„Loving Vincent”

Loving Vincent / Loving Vincent

The most renowned film of the season advertised as the world’s first fully painted animated feature film. The work, which was inspired by more than 120 Vincent van Gogh’s paintings, is composed of 65 000 frames in oil paints on canvas board painted by 125 artists faithfully reproducing Van Gogh’s expressive painting style and later animated with 12 frames per second. Made as a crime story with its plot based on the artist’s letters to his brother Theo, the film poses a question about the reasons for van Gogh’s premature death. Armand Roulin, a son of a postman Joseph Roulin, is talking with characters from van Gogh’s famous paintings and trying to solve the mystery of death of the outstanding painter whose art remained unappreciated during his life time. “Loving Vincent” (“Twój Vincent”) was made by a Polish and British directing duo: Dorota Korbiela, a painter and film director, and Hugh Welchman, a film producer who was responsible for the production of the Oscarwinning “Peter and the Wolf” by Suzie Templeton. In Polish version of the film the characters are dubbed by, among others: Jerzy Stuhr, Danuta Stenka, Olga Frycz, Zofia Wichłacz i Robert Więckiewicz. The film received the audience award at the film festival in Annecy in 2017 and attracted a lot of attention of distributors from all over the world right after its premiere.

Loving Vincent
Directors: Dorota Kobiela, Hugh Welchman, Poland/Great Britain 2017, animation, 91 min.


25th November (Saturday), 03.00 pm.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room




Rod Rosse ”The One Man Posse”, a bounty hunter, gets entangled in a web of danger when he takes on a job from a U.S. senator named ”Deathface”. His task is to kill a girl who has stolen some parcel.

Bill Plympton, a 70-year old king of independent animation who was nominated for Oscar for his films Your face and Guard dog joined forces with Jim Lujan, a talented underground artist of the young generation. The result of this collaboration – Revengeance, is a powerful satire and a pin-sharp comedy whose style refers to underground comic books from the 1960s and 70s. Revengeance is Plympton’s eighth feature animated film and the first one upon which he collaborated with another artist. This collaboration may not have happened, though. The story goes that Lujan gave Plympton a DVD with his film during Comic Con in San Diego. The animation veteran did what he usually does with all the gifts he receives from young animation authors – he put the disc on a shelf. It stayed there until one lazy, rainy afternoon when Plympton finally watched Lujan’s DVD and immediately fell in love with the young animator’s style. Both artists undoubtedly share similar stylistics, sense of humour and artistic sensitivity. There are definitely more similarities than differences between them. As a result, the duo have created a grotesque image of the U.S. which at times seems to be surprisingly valid. Lujan and Plympton complete each other – Lujan’s crazy characters together with his dynamic and jumbled plots perfectly supplement Plympton’s visual ingenuity in deforming reality.


Directors: Bill Plympton, Jim Lujan, USA 2016, animation, 75 min.


25th November (Saturday), 10.00 pm.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room




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