

International Film Festival

Krakow 14-19 X 2025

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy

Kraków 22-27 X 2024

Sławomir Idziak
Sławomir Idziak

Sławomir Idziak - Winner of Special Golden Dinosaur

Dodano: November 23, 2017

Already on Friday on Etiuda&Anima Festiwal Sławomir Idziak will get Special Golden Dinosaur - special award, because not only appreciating the works of winner, but also his work on education on movie animation.

 Sławomir Idziak

A circle of almost twenty winners of the Special Golden Dinosaur, an award of the Etiuda&Anima festival for an outstanding artist and pedagogue, extends this year with the brilliant, world-renowned cinematographer Sławomir Idziak. Thereby for the first time in the history of our award it will be presented to an artist from outside of the circle of feature and documentary film directors as well as animation authors.

Sławomir Idziak is one of the most acclaimed Polish cinematographers in the world, winner of numerous festival awards, an Oscar nominee for Ridley Scott’s Black Hawk Down (2001). He was born in 1945 in Katowice in a family of many generations of photographers. He studied at the Direction of Photography Department at the Polish National Film School in Lodz. In the 1970s he was the cinematographer, among others, in films by Krzysztof Zanussi, Wojciech Marczewski and Janusz Zaorski. At the same time he tried his hand at directing by making his own films, such as Paper Bird (Papierowy ptak, 1972), The Flying Lesson (Nauka latania, 1978) and The Screening (Seans, 1978).

A breakthrough in his career as cinematographer was the artistic meeting with Krzysztof Zanussi, and, first of all, with Krzysztof Kieslowski, with whom he frequently collaborated since the Pedestrian Subway (Przejście podziemne, 1973), the director’s feature debut. Together, they later made The Scar (Blizna, 1976) and the fifth episode of The Decalogue (Dekalog), which, in time, took the form of a full length film A Short Film about Killing (Krótki film o zabijaniu, 1987). Finally, they achieved world success with the films The Double Life of Veronique (Podwójne życie Weroniki, 1991) and the Three Colors Trilogy. Blue (Trzy kolory. Niebieski, 1993).

Awarded a Grand Prix Golden Lion at the festival in Venice and the award for cinematography in the Blue marked the beginning of the cinematographer’s international career, crowned by an Oscar nomination as well as awards for lifetime achievements including, among others, the Polish Film Award Eagle (2002), and the Special Award at the Camerimage Film Festival (2006).

Sławomir Idziak has worked as a pedagogue for years, running workshops for both aspiring filmmakers and professionals. He prides himself on his beloved brainchild, workshops Film Spring Open, organized for over a dozen years. Hundreds of trainees representing many countries take part in the event and make use of the very well equipped Cinebus. In this way this outstanding Polish cinematographer manages to combine his vast professional experience with his passion for teaching.

Bogusław Zmudziński


Presenting the award will provide with an opportunity to watch the film A Tale of Love and Darkness  by Natalie Portman, which was made with discreet support from the Laureate.



Special Golden Dinosaur for Sławomir Idziak
Ceremony of presenting the award
24th November (Friday), 08.30 pm.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room

After the ceremony will be a screening of A Tale of Love and Darkness (dir. Natalie Portman, Israel 2015, 95 min.)


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